
wrangler n.1.爭吵者。2.〔英古〕 (Cambridge 大學...


He sailed with skill , stopping way on the boat without exciting the notice of the wranglers , and mentally forgiving his hardest voyages in that they had made this marvellous night possible , giving him mastery over sea and boat and wind so that he could sail with her beside him , her dear weight against him on his shoulder 他在心里原諒了過去的最艱苦的航行,因為它給他帶來了這奇妙的夜晚,給了他操縱海浪。船只和風的能力,讓她在駕船時坐到了他身邊,讓她那可愛的身子靠到了他肩上。

Grizzly bear wrangler jeff watson and wildlife vet ellen rogers reveal the fundamental differences between the siberian tiger and the brown bear , two ferocious predators 今集《猛獸擂臺》中,兩位學者為灰棕熊與西伯利亞虎的兇悍程度進行辯論,彼此都有各自的見解。

He was born in bratislava , slovak republic and has traveled all over the world working as a stunt man and a horse master ( or horse wrangler ) 他出生在發斯洛伐克共和國的布拉迪斯拉,并且跑遍世界工作作為特技男子及一名馬術師。

I asked downstairs and miss freeman , your wrangler , helpful miss freeman , 我問了樓下的弗里曼小姐,你的女保鏢得力助手弗里曼小姐

Three times old gardener struck the ancient treasure, a gift to their beloved ancestor from a fellow senior wrangler . 老花匠把這口傳家寶敲了三下,那是當年一位老狀元送給他們家一個德高望重的祖先的禮物。