
wrangle n.口角,爭吵,拌嘴;爭論。vi.爭吵。vt.1.通過爭...


The souls of emperors and cobblers are cast in the same mould . . . . the same reason that makes us wrangle with a neighbour causes a war betwixt princes 皇帝和鞋匠的靈魂都是一個模子鑄就,鄰里糾紛的起因也和王子們相互征討的緣由別無二致。

And the three frogs began to wrangle about what was really moving . the quarrel grew hotter and louder , but they could not agree 三只青蛙開始為到底是什么在真正的移動而爭論起來,越爭越起勁,聲音也越來越大,但始終不能達成一致。

The violence comes on the same day the nation ' s parliament finally approved a unity government , ending months of political wrangling 這次暴力行動發生在伊拉克議會結束數月的政治攻擊,最終批準成立一個聯合政府決定的當天。

A year ago , wrangling over the price of gas sold by russia to ukraine briefly diminished the flow of gas through ukraine to europe 一年前,圍繞俄羅斯銷往烏克蘭的天然氣價格之爭使得途經烏克蘭輸送至歐洲的天然氣量銳減。

The difficulty buyers have in getting such information results in frequent ownership wrangles after deals are completed 如果購買方很難得到相關的信息的話,就會在交易結束的時候才發現產權的歸屬并不清楚,從而引發糾紛。

During the 1790s , they wrangled with their opponents , led by thomas jefferson , about the kind of country america should be 在18世紀90年代期間,他們與由托馬斯?杰斐遜領導的反對黨就美國的國家定位這一問題展了開爭論。

Ruth sat near him in the stern , while the three young fellows lounged amidships , deep in a wordy wrangle over “ frat “ affairs 露絲坐在船尾跟他一起。三個小伙子在中艙閑聊,為兄弟會的事大發議論,爭吵得不可開交。

After more than a year and a half of legal wrangling , four female thai elephants are in their new mall amid australian sydney zoo 經過一年半多的法律辯論之后,四只雌性泰國象搬進他們澳大利亞悉尼動物園的新家。

After more than a year and a half of legal wrangling , four female thai elephants are in their new mall amid australian sydney zoo 經過一年半多的法律糾紛后,四頭泰國雌象在澳大利亞悉尼動物園的新家安家落戶了。

After more than a year and a half of legal wrangling , four female thai elephants are in their new mall amid australian sydney zoo 經過一年半多的法律糾紛后,四頭泰國雌象現在來到澳大利亞悉尼動物園的新家。

Schip began in 1997 and expired on september 30th , although congress has already extended it for six weeks while the political wrangling continues 國會在政治派別為它爭辯不休期間,又將它延續了六個星期。

After more than a year and a half of legal wrangling , four female thai elephants are in their new mall amid australian sydney zoo 在長達一年半多的法律辯論后,四只泰國雌象落戶于澳大利亞悉尼動物園。

After more than a year and a half of legal wrangling , four female thai elephants are in their new mall amid australian sydney zoo 在經過一年半的法律爭論后,四頭泰國母象在澳大利亞悉尼動物園安家。

Members of iraq ' s governing council signed the interim constitution monday after weeks of wrangling and days of delays 經過數周的爭吵和多日耽擱,伊拉克臨時管理委員會成員于星期一簽署了臨時憲法。

After more than a year and a half of legal wrangling , four female thai elephants are in their new mall amid australian sydney zoo 經過一年半的爭論,四頭泰國雌象住進了澳大利亞悉尼動物園的新居。

The difficulty buyers have in getting such information results in frequent ownership wrangles after deals are completed 交易完成之后,買家在獲得如此信息中遇到的困難歸于所有權的頻繁爭議。

The well - groomed showy dogs of amusement wrangled and snarled among themselves for the favours of the bitch - goddess 那裝飾華麗的供給娛樂的狗群,彼此張牙舞爪地吵嚷著爭取財神的這寵愛。

Men will wrangle for religion ; write for it ' s fight for it ; die for it ; anything but live for it 人們會為宗教而爭辯、寫作、斗爭、甚至于死;總之除了為宗教而生存外,什么事情都干得出來。

The wrangling began after celltech received a very broad patent in 1989 for making monoclonal antibodies 爭端起源于1989年,當時細胞科技取得一項涵蓋?圍甚廣的單株抗體制造法專利。