
wrack n.1.波浪打到岸上的海草;漂來的東西。2.失事船,失事...


The promethean opus ( source of much imperial knowledge of vulkan ) tells of a mighty comet blazing a trail of fire across the skies of the world of nocturne during the time of trial , a period of great upheaval when the planet was wracked by massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions 在普羅米修斯的記述中,詳細地展現了那段時期那克土恩星球的火焰在天地間穿行的可怕景象,那是一個遭受大量地震和火山影響的世界。

But even if the feeling is as nerve - wracking as coming face to face with a ghost , the question is has anyone really seen a ghost ghost stories are just hearsay , not backed by any scientific evidence 說起過去人類歷史所留下的陰影,即政治黑暗令人驚心膽破,宛如見“鬼”就怕般感覺。但“鬼”有誰見過?那只是道途聽說,毫無一點科學根據。

It has been this summer ' s version of the cold war : a nerve - wracking stand - off between banks that are unwilling to lend to each other , which at times has looked as if it would seriously imperil parts of the banking industry 這就好像一個夏季版的冷戰:銀行不愿意拆借的舉動已經嚴重影響到了其他業務,這可真是讓人頭痛。

The more adventurous tourists can sample the army camps of kashmir , a state that has been wracked by an insurgency since 1989 and where more than 80 , 000 people have died 喬杜里還表示,在推出鄉村之旅后,旅游部門還將打造驚心動魄的克什米爾軍營之旅。克什米爾地區自1989年戰亂以來遭嚴重破壞,戰亂造成8萬人喪命。

With 13 goals in the top flight this term for a sampdoria side wracked with problems and a brace on his first italy start against lithuania , can quagliarella do better 這賽季在桑普多利亞他攻進了13球,而且代表意大利國家隊第一次首發在對立陶宛的比賽就梅開二度,夸利亞雷拉能夠做得更好嗎?

The obama ' s ' home has been spared the violence that has wracked kenya since president mwai kibaki was sworn in for a controversial second term two months ago 自從兩個月前,姆瓦伊?齊貝吉總統宣誓開始有爭議的第二任期以來,奧巴馬的故鄉一直處于暴亂之中,使肯尼亞受到了很大的損害。

The obamas ' home has been spared the violence that has wracked kenya since president mwai kibaki was sworn in for a controversial second term two months ago 自從兩個月前,姆瓦伊?齊貝吉總統宣誓開始有爭議的第二任期以來,奧巴馬的故鄉一直處于暴亂之中,使肯尼亞受到了很大的損害。

Getting married is one of life s most important events , but organising that special day has often been a tiring and nerve - wracking experience - until now 2002年1月10日結婚乃人生大事,要籌備一個完美的婚禮,需要兼顧的大小事項實在不少。

I just thought that it was really strange , and quite nerve - wracking that i had suddenly got this huge gaping hole in the side of my face 我只是覺得太奇怪了,而且讓人很緊張的是,突然間就在我的一邊臉上出現了這么大的一個洞。

Stipe 1 . in the more highly differentiated phaeophyta ( brown algae ) , such as wracks and kelps , the stalk between the holdfast and the blade 柄:在高度分化的褐藻門植物如角藻、巨藻等海藻中,連結基足和葉狀體之間的莖狀物。

Wracking arrow : an unpleasant missile , this arrow causes extreme pain to the target resulting in slow effects for the duration 懲罰箭:一種令人難受的彈藥,會給目標帶來巨大的痛苦,造成一段時間的slow (遲緩)魔法效果。

Such diplontic life cycles are found in some protoctists , such as the diatoms and certain phaeophyta ( brown algae ) , including the wracks 這樣的二倍體生活史存在于一些原生生物中,例如硅藻以及一些褐藻(褐藻) 。

The next thing she knew , she was in a doctor ' s office , having an abortion . when the 10 - minute procedure ended , she was wracked by anxiety 之后,她在醫務所做了人流, 10分鐘的手術完后,她卻陷入深深的焦慮之中。

And so , sylvie testud returns again as clara , a woman wracked by fears sprung from her lack of reading skills 聾啞學校教師云信闖進來,沉默再撐不下去,男人的愛,驚醒一個害怕再在幸福邊緣徘徊的女人。

Owen said : “ the penalty shoot - out is truly nerve - wracking . it is more nerve - wracking than anything else in the game 歐文說: “點球決戰真是非常傷腦筋的.這是比賽中最令人頭疼的事.

And , like clockwork , the story repeats itself . why are people his age so wracked by such blistering emotions 兩個男孩開了一家新潮盆栽店,他們一個對異性花心,一個對同性親近。

Stephen closed his eyes to hear his boots crush crackling wrack and shells . you are walking through it howsomever 斯蒂芬閉上兩眼,傾聽著自己的靴子踩在海藻和貝殼上的聲音。

Most guys would rather suffer at home , wracked by fever , barfing their brains out , than consult a physician 大多數男人感冒發燒、上吐下瀉時寧愿呆在家里受罪也不愿去看醫生。

Now i say it ain t a - goin to be more n two hours befo this wrack breaks up and washes off down the river 我說啊,要不了兩小時,這條破船便會裂開來,沉入河底。