
would-be adj.自稱的,冒充的,所謂;想…的。 a would-...


The final chapters of crevecoeur's sketches take the form of dialogues between greedy, ignorant “patriots“ and dignified loyalists or would-be neutrals(of whom crevecoeur was one) . 克里夫科爾《札記》的最后幾章用的是對話體裁,是貪婪無知的“愛國志士”和高貴的保皇黨或自詡的中立分子(克里夫科爾本人就是此等人)之間的對話。

There was a buzz of excitement and wild whip could feel the resolve of the would-be revolutionists ebbing away like the surf after a high tide . 室門一片交頭接耳聲,氣氛緊張,野惠普感到在場的這批革命分子猶如海水落潮,頓時失勢。

The would-be american mystic, like the american president, is interrupted in his study to go and shake hands with a deputation . 想要當美國神秘主義者的人,和美國總統一樣,在修行時經常被人打攪,不得不出去和一個個代表團握手。

Then filed out the guard, and with them the survivors of our would-be murderers, to the number of twenty or more . 接著衛兵和那些想殺我們而僥幸沒有被我們殺死的人魚貫而出,大約有二十多個。

We may be sceptical yet intrigued to find out more about the would-be magic methods used . 對那里采用的近乎魔法的教學方法,我們感到懷疑,但又十分好奇。

This argument and the awful weight of the hour quelled the would-be heresy-hunters . 這一論點,以及當時的嚴重局勢,制止了那些所謂的迫害異端的人們。

It encourages the would-be american poet to rely too exclusively on a rapt and bardic intuition . 它鼓勵未來的美國詩人完全依靠發狂似的詩人的直覺。

Company installations were attacked by would-be terrorists who acted in ignorance . 公司設備遭到所謂恐怖分子即那些愚昧無知的人的襲擊。

The would-be american mystic is often interrupted in his study . 想要當美國神秘主義者的人在修行時經常被人打攪。

That will scare a lot of other would-be jacksons . 這可以嚇唬住不少想學杰克遜的人。