
worse adj.〔bad, ill 的比較級〕(opp. bet...


Which of them is the worse ? 他們當中哪一個更壞?

She appeared to be in even worse shape than a week ago . 她的模樣看來比上星期更為糟糕。

The economy could get worse . 經濟情況有可能惡化。

He had known much worse . 比這更差的他都經歷過了。

The just man is always worse off than the unjust man . 正義者往往比非正義者處境更糟。

She worried he might end up in jail or worse . 她擔心,他可能會落到坐牢或更糟的地步。

I have been in many things. and worse than this . 我經歷的許多事,比這次還要糟得多。

The patient was not better but rather grew worse .. 病人情況不但沒有好轉,倒惡化了。

They even say he is worse . 他們甚至說他越發嚴重了。

Did he go from bad to worse ? 是不是他的病情惡化了?

As time goes by my memory seems to get worse . 隨著時間的流逝,我的記憶力越來越差。

They have taken each other for better or for worse . 他們已結為夫婦,今后同甘共苦。

I have never had a worse morning than today . 我哪一天早上也不像今天早上這樣倒霉。

Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse . 贊美的言辭使好人更好,壞人更壞。

Things have gone from bad to worse . 事情已經越來越糟。

Their family financial circumstances are from bad to worse . 他們的家境每況愈下。

Scratching the rash will make it worse . 丘疹越撓越壞。

Restraint made him behave worse . 受抑制使他表現得更糟。

I have had worse things than that, he thought . 他想:比這更糟的事兒也還有過呢。