worrisome adj.1.困難的,麻煩的;使人煩惱的。2.易于煩惱的。...
adj. 1.困難的,麻煩的;使人煩惱的。 2.易于煩惱的。 adv. -ly “worrit“ 中文翻譯: n. 〔英方〕= worry. “worriors dance“ 中文翻譯: 戰士之舞“worrlein“ 中文翻譯: 韋爾萊因“worrior“ 中文翻譯: 燒刀子“worrstadt“ 中文翻譯: 沃爾施塔特“worringer“ 中文翻譯: 沃林格“worry“ 中文翻譯: vt. 1.(狗等)咬著(鼠、羊等)折磨;把…銜在口里搖;反復觸動。 2.使煩惱,使苦惱,使為難,使窘困;使擔心,使憂慮,使著急。 vi. 焦慮,憂慮,操心,煩惱,發愁 (about)。 I should worry. 〔美口〕我一點兒也不在乎。 Be much worried 非常著急(擔心)。 Worry about personal gain 計較個人得失。 Worry along [through] 在艱難困苦中湊合著過下去。 Worry down 〔戲謔語〕好容易吞下去;〔美國〕急忙喝下一杯(酒)。 Worry oneself 著急,擔心,發愁。 Worry (a problem) out 絞盡腦汁解決掉(問題)。 n. 1.獵狗咬住[折磨]獵獲物。 2.苦惱,愁悶,操心。 3.〔常 pl.〕苦惱[困苦]的根源;麻煩。 “worringen“ 中文翻譯: 沃林根“worry (be concerned about )“ 中文翻譯: 關心“worring“ 中文翻譯: 沃林
worrit |
Like many recent publications in the industrialised countries that have warned against the economic rise of india and china , the 244 - page report says that the past two years offered a worrisome preview of a future in which china and india follow the economic model of western nations , notorious for their unchecked consumption patterns 與許多工業化國家近期發表的對印度與中國經濟崛起發出警告的文章一樣,這篇244頁的報告指出:過去兩年令人們對未來憂心忡忡,隱約可見中國與印度將會遵循西方國家的經濟模式,而這種模式以其毫無節制的消耗臭名昭著。 |
The danger is greatest for men , whose risk of an attack is 82 per cent higher compared with 66 per cent for women . the study , among 521 stroke patients in auckland , new zealand , also found that smokers are up to six times more likely to have a stroke than people who have not smoked for more than ten years . the stroke association said the report by the university of auckland made existing concerns about the link between smoking and strokes even more worrisome 1999年7月底,泰國素食聯盟會vegetarian federation of thailand首次在一家百貨公司主辦素食展覽會,主要的目的是要讓大家一起修持福德以祝賀國王陛下72歲壽誕,提倡在佛教守夏節三個月間不吃肉類食品,讓大家發揮仁慈博愛之心,也讓大家了解吃素對世界家庭和自己本人的益處。 |
Ever since the set - up of “ situation and policies “ course in some colleges and universities , a certain achievements have been obtained , and a great deal of experience has been accumulated , however , some existing problems are still worrisome , including the relatively backward teaching materials , lack of united course book , random teaching , comparatively simple and backward teaching methods , irrational teaching set - up non - standard teaching process , instability of teaching faculty and the lack of learning enthusiasm 高校“形勢與政策”課自開設以來,取得了一定成效,積累了不少的經驗。但當前該課的效果令人堪憂,具體表現為教學資料相對滯后、沒有一本統一的教材、教學隨意性大、教學方法較單一、教學手段落后、教學時數安排不合理、教學過程不規范,師資隊伍不穩定、學生的學習興趣不濃等問題。 |
In the near to medium term , there was a risk that weakened consumer and investor confidence would exacerbate the slowdown of the us economy . coupled with the prevailing demand weaknesses in japan and the euro zone , the outlook for the global economy appeared worrisome 就短期至中期而言,消費及投資者信心減弱可能加速美國經濟放緩的步伐,加上日本及歐元區市場需求本來已呈現弱勢,全球經濟前景似乎令人頗為憂慮。 |
Yankees . they have six starting pitchers and almost that many questions about a talented - but - worrisome rotation . “ they ' d love to have him back , “ one person familiar with the yankees ' thinking said 洋基:他們有6位先發投手,幾乎有同樣數目的問題是關于這個有天賦卻令人擔憂的先發投手陣容,他們很希望他能回來,一位熟悉洋基想法的人這麼說。 |
More worrisome , they say , is that the disease is out of control in birds in more places than ever , including the nile delta in egypt and nigeria , where public health mechanisms are weak 更令人擔憂的是,他們指出,這種疾病已經在更多的地方的鳥類中失去控制.包括在埃及和尼日利亞的尼羅河三角洲.再這些地方的公共衛生機制非常不完善 |
More worrisome , they say , is that the disease is out of control in birds in more places than ever , including the nile delta in egypt and nigeria , where public health mechanisms are weak 他們說還有更多令人不安的是疾病是源自比從前更多地方分布不受且人類控制的鳥類,包括埃及尼羅河和尼日利亞在內這些公共衛生機構較薄弱的地方。 |
With audio joining the mix , it is not only journalists but also privacy advocates and the conspiracy - minded who will no doubt ponder the worrisome mischief that lurks in the not too distant future 隨著視頻被復合,這不僅是新聞范疇,也是提倡隱私和共同的想法,它將毫無疑問會令人深思這令人不安的危害,它潛伏在不遠的將來。 |
More worrisome , they say , is that the disease is out of control in birds in more places than ever , including the nile delta in egypt and nigeria , where public health mechanisms are weak 科學家們稱,更令人不安的是這種疾病已在更多地區的鳥類中失去了控制,包括埃及尼羅河三角洲和尼日利亞,這些地區的公共衛生機制很薄弱。 |
More worrisome , they say , is that the disease is out of control in birds in more places than ever , including the nile delta in egypt and nigeria , where public health mechanisms are weak 科學家們稱,更令人不安的是人們對更多地區的鳥類疾病失去了控制,包括埃及尼羅河三角洲和尼日利亞,這些地區的公共衛生機制很薄弱。 |
More worrisome , they say , is that the disease is out of control in birds in more places than ever , including the nile delta in egypt and nigeria , where public health mechanisms are weak 科學家稱更讓人擔心的是該疾病在包括埃及和尼日利亞的尼羅河三角洲等更多地區的鳥類中失去控制,這些地區的公共健康體系比較弱。 |
And that s what i d like it to be , but as time goes on , it s increasingly worrisome . it s been 18 hours , and we don t have a phone call yet from our crew there 這是我所希望的,但是,隨著時間的過去,這件事越來越讓人擔心。已經18個小時了,我們還沒有接到過機組人員的電話。我們說到的那個地方是有電話的。 |
More worrisome , they say , is that the disease is out of control in birds in more places than ever , including the nile delta in egypt and nigeria , where public health mechanisms are weak 他們擔心的是,那種病毒比禽流感在某些地方更難以控制,包括埃及和尼日利亞的尼羅河三角洲,因為那里的公共健康機構較為薄弱 |
One of the most worrisome things that emerges from the thick intelligence file we have on iraq ' s biological weapons is the existence of mobile production facilities used to make biological agents 最令我們深感不安的事情倒是,我們獲取的大量情報稱,伊拉克現在擁有曾大量生產生物制劑的可移動生產設施。 |
It is worrisome that society is medicalizing more and more behavioral problems , often defining as addictions what earlier , sterner generations explained as weakness of will 譯文令人擔心的是,社會越發把行為問題當作是疾病來治療,常把更為堅強的上幾代人稱之為意志薄弱的行為定義成上癮。 |
The centrality of irregular warfare is exerting a worrisome influence on the air force in another , indirect way ? through confusion over air force and army roles and missions 以非常規戰爭為中心正在從另一方面以一種間接的方式對空軍產生令人不安的影響? ?它使空軍和陸軍的角色及任務完全混亂了。 |
Generalized anxiety disorder consistent and exaggerated worrisome thoughts and tension about everyday routine life events , such as those related to work or study , finance , health and family issues 經常焦慮癥:長期對日常的生活瑣事,如工作、學習、財務、健康或家庭事宜,有過度的憂慮。 |
President bush meets pope benedict xvi defending his humanitarian record after the pope expresses concerns about what he calls the worrisome situation in iraq 布什總統會見羅馬教皇尼迪克特十六世進行了會面,在教皇表示了關注對伊拉克動蕩局勢的不安之后,布什對自己的人道主義立場進行辯護。 |
It is worrisome that society is medicalizing more and more behavioral problems , often defining as addictions what earlier , sterner generations explained as weakness of will 令人擔心的是,社會越發把行為問題當作是疾病來治療,常把更為堅強的上幾代人稱之為意志薄弱的行為定義成上癮。 |