
workmanlike adj.像職工的;精巧的,有本領的。


Microsoft is providing the sql critical update kit as is and with all fault , and hereby disclaims all other warranties and conditions , whether express , implied or statutory , including , but not limited to , any if any implied warranties , duties or conditions of merchantability , of fitness for a particular purpose , of reliability or availability , of accuracy or completeness of responses , of results , of workmanlike effort , of lack of viruses , of lack of negligence Microsoft按“原樣”包括其所有可能存在的錯誤提供此sql關鍵更新工具包,并特此聲明不負責其他任何明示隱含或法定的擔保和條件,其中包括但不限于下列任何隱含的擔保責任或條件如果有:適銷性對于特定目的的適用性可靠性或可用性回應的準確性或完整性結果工藝的精良無病毒以及無疏忽。

Patience is a willingness to stay with any problem encountered as long as there is a possibility of achieving success in a workmanlike manner , rather than taking a chance of making the recovery more quickly through guesswork or gambling 耐性:指的是愿意不放棄任何遇到的難題,直到有可能以技巧熟練的方式取得成功,而不是通過撞大運解決問題。

The portuguese tactician watched his chelsea side make a winning start to their european campaign , and was ambivalent about a workmanlike performance 葡萄牙戰術家眼看著他的隊伍在歐戰中以勝利開場,卻對球隊工人似的表現有著矛盾的看法。

Hers is less workmanlike than the other books and refreshingly unideological 她的書不像其它書那般精巧,并且不涉及意識形態也讓人耳目一新。

He did a very workmanlike job on it 他這件工作做得非常漂亮

Characteristics : bold in outlook , workmanlike 特點:外觀大膽,能力非凡。

Strong workmanlike midfield is his preference as well 嫻熟的配合也是他的最愛。

He did a very workmanlike job on it . 他這件工作做得非常漂亮。