
workman n.(pl. -men) 工人,勞動者;工作者,工作人員...


Workmen ' s wages have gone up since the war 工人的工資自戰爭以來有所上升。

Only a skilled workman can split slate into layers 只有能工巧匠才能把板巖劈成石片。

Protecting the interest of sub - contractor s workmen 保障次承判商工人的利益

A bad workman finds fault with his tools 蹩腳工匠總說自己的工具差。 (諺)

The workman assented , and followed her to the landing 那個工人就跟著她上了樓梯口。

He is a good workman , and will hold down his job 他是一個好工人,可以保住他的工作。

It is a skillful workman that never blunders 無論怎樣熟練的工人也會有失誤的時候。

The workman will catch the package from above 那個作業員可望從上面接住那件貨物。

I should get , like , workman ' s comp or something 我應該得到工人賠償金或其他什么。

Employers have to compensate their workmen for injuries 工人負傷,雇主必須賠償。

The workman fixed the antenna to the roof of the house 工人把天線固定在房頂上。

The workmen cleaned up the mess before they left 工人們清理完雜物后就離開了。

Elliot pumping station and filters workmen s quarters 西區抽水站及濾水廠工人宿舍

The workmen cleaned up ( the mess ) before they left 工人們清理(雜物)就走了

Workmen cut huge blocks of granite from the walls of a quarry in vermont, a state which contains some of the nation's most extensive deposits of both granite and marble . 工人們在弗蒙特州一個采石礦的石壁上切出一塊塊花崗石,該州是美國花崗石及大理石蘊藏量最豐富的地區。

His talk about employers being not only the masters but the friends of their workmen is also mere claptrap because he knows as well as we do . 他說老板不僅是老板,而且是工人的朋友,這也只是花言巧語而已。因為他和我們一樣心里很明白。

When they heard of the letter a lot of the workmen adopted the suggestion and walked in the road so as to avoid contaminating the idlers . 許多人聽說了這封信便接受建議到馬路中間行走,以免弄臟了那些閑游的先生們。

It will generally be more advantageous for a workman to buy from the brewer the quantity he has occasion for, than to brew it himself . 工人所需的麥酒量,一般是與其親自釀造,不如向釀酒家購買。

All the same, it was a fact that the workmen did do their very best to get over this work in the shortest possible time . 不管怎么說,事實上人們確是盡快把活干完。