
word n.1.單詞;〔pl.〕歌詞,臺詞。2.〔常 pl.〕談...

word bite

She still stands by every word she said . 她仍然信守自己說的每一句話。

Come on, and have it out in plain words . 來,把它用明白的語言說出來。

He repeated her statement word for word . 他一字不差地重復她的話。

The financial chancellor was true to his word . 財政大臣沒有食言。

Space science has introduced many new words . 太空科學采用許多新詞匯。

I did n't give him a chance to say a word . 我沒有給他說話的機會。

The advertising slogan was a play on word . 那條廣告口號是雙關語。

His word is as good as his bond . 他的話是極可靠的(像契約一樣可靠)。

He consistently matches his words with his action . 他總是言行一致的。

None of your business. do n't put in a word . 沒你的事,別答碴兒。

Every word he said hit the nail on the head . 他說的真是頭頭是道。

Say the words over and over to yourself . 把這些話自己重復幾遍吧。

He repeated what you said word for word . 他一字不差地復述了您說的話。

I do not believe a word of his story . 他說的這件事我一句話都不相信。

You took the words right out of my mouth . 你正好說出了我要說的話。

I never knew him to say a cross word . 我從來沒聽他說過一句喪氣話。

Just a few words will incite him into action . 幾句話一激,他就會干。

Hearing the words , he trembled with anger . 聽了這話,他氣得發抖。

He did not utter a word for five minutes . 足有五分鐘,他一聲沒吭。