
woodwind 木管樂器。


Creative music group “ chen - hui - yue - lu “ , with whole new music creation of traditional stringed and woodwind instruments music as its frame , break rigid formation as general concert used to be that the audience , beyond limit of heir seats , could gaze again creation of energy between life and art 創作樂團澄懷樂呂以全然原創的絲竹音樂為經緯,打破一般音樂會的僵化形式,讓聽眾得以超越聽眾席的囿限,重新凝視生命和藝術之間的能量創造。

Music courses include keyboard , strings , woodwind , brass , percussion , vocal , pop jazz , aural skills , theory , composition as well as chinese instruments . we also arrange professional music tutors to conduct instrument classes at local and international schools 備有鍵盤弦樂木管樂銅管樂敲擊樂聲樂流行曲爵士樂中樂樂理作曲及視唱練耳等廿多項音樂課程,由多位專業私人導師教授。

“ from the very first chords , the new reality became manifest : full , polished and well worked sound the strings played as never before : the horns brilliantly ; the percussion splendid ; the woodwinds magisterial 當第一個和弦響起之時,就能明顯地發現,他們的音樂是一種完全的、精益求精的天籟之聲:史無前例的弦樂、嘹亮輝宏的小號、令人叫絕的打擊樂以及威風凜凜的木管。

All the classical strings , woodwinds and brass you ' ll need for orchestral music or film scores , plus keyboard instruments , harps , classical guitars and full orchestral percussion 這是一張古典管弦樂的工具音色,所有的在管弦樂隊里需要的樂器都有;弦樂器,銅管木管,鍵盤樂器,豎琴,古典吉它等。還有全編制的古典打擊樂組。

When i was composing the suite , i was thinking of five wonderful instruments that have the unique properties that exist in a blend of the beautiful tone colours of a string ensemble and a woodwind section 《紅映雪語》組曲,旨在發揮口琴五重奏的獨特純美音色?它既有弦樂細膩的情操,亦可帶有管樂的獨質

Horn , the local woodwind instruments . the bride and her close girlfriends cannot help crying . the cry shows her excitement for new life and reluctance to leave her parents home 這時,陣陣莽筒聲嗩吶聲響起,新娘和她平時要好的姐妹們忍不住哭了,新娘要走向新的生活,是激動也是對娘家的留戀。

A high - pitched woodwind instrument consisting of a slender tube closed at one end with keys and finger holes on the side and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown 由一根一端封閉的纖細管子組成的高音木管樂器,側邊有按鍵和指孔,靠近封閉端有一個使氣流進入的開口。

Performing group of diverse instruments in various cultures ; in western art music , an ensemble of multiple strings with various woodwind , brass , and percussion instruments 不同文化中多種樂器的演奏組合;在西方的藝術音樂中,是多種弦樂器與各種木管樂器、銅管樂器和敲擊樂器的合奏。

Invented in 1840 by adolphe sax of brussels , the saxophone is classified as a woodwind instrument despite the fact that it is made entirely of brass 薩克管是一種單簧片的吹管樂器,于1840年由比利時人薩克斯adolphe sax發明,薩克管這名稱亦從此而來。

A woodwind instrument having a straight , cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single - reed mouthpiece , played by means of finger holes and keys 單簧管,黑管一種管樂器,有直的圓筒形管身和一個外敞的管口及一個單簧吹口,以指孔和鍵的方式演奏。

A woodwind instrument having a straight , cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single - reed mouthpiece , played by means of finger holes and keys 單簧管,黑管一種管樂器,有直的圓筒形管身和一個外敞的管口及一個單簧吹口,以指孔和鍵的方式演奏

A slender woodwind instrument with a conical bore and a double reed mouthpiece , having a range of three octaves and a penetrating , poignant sound 帶有一個圓錐形孔和雙簧管吹口的細小的木管樂器,具有三個八度音域和穿透力強而尖利的聲音。

The bassoon is the bass of the double - reed woodwind family , and its double reed is fitted onto a curved metal mouthpiece 巴松管是一種低音的雙簧片木管樂器,其吹嘴是用兩片蘆葦片合制而成,裝在一條彎曲的小銅管上。

A double - reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth 一種雙簧的木制管樂器,類似于雙簧管,但音高比雙簧管低五度。

Discussion forum for players and listeners of woodwind , brass and strings in jazz and orchestral music -中國專業的搖滾交流論壇,提供免費搖滾下載交流。

Our instructor is showing the sound production of the reeds for bassoon , a bass woodwind instrument 導師正在介紹低音木管樂器巴松管是利用簧片發聲的

Art of woodwind 吹管的藝術

Examples : the woodwind section complements the strings in this piece of music 木管樂器的樂章彌補了這首曲子中弦樂部分的不足。

Thanks , woodwind buddy 謝啦木管伙伴