
woodhouse 木材貯藏所;柴屋。


Emma woodhouse , rich , clever , beautiful , and no more spoiled and self - satisfied than one would expect under such circumstances , had just seen her friend , companion , and ex - governess , miss taylor , married to a neighboring widower , mr . weston 愛瑪?伍德豪斯家境富有,人又聰穎、美麗,處于這種環境里的人有些嬌生慣養,自以為是,也在情理之中。她剛剛參加了她的朋友、伴侶、前家庭教師泰勒小姐嫁給鄰近的鰥夫韋斯頓先生的婚禮。

It was her performance in the title role of emma woodhouse in emma 1996 that led to her being offered the role of viola in shakespeare in love 1998 1996年格溫妮絲拍攝了她的成名作艾瑪,該片似乎是專為她而作,格溫妮絲的演技得到了充分的展現。

The first problem was solved when emma and mr . knightley decided to reside at hartfield with mr . woodhouse as long as he lived 愛瑪和奈特利先生決定住在哈特菲爾德,一直陪伴父親度過晚年。這就解決了第一個難題。

Mr . woodhouse : then please , my dear , encourage no one else . marriage is so disrupting to one ' s social circle 接下去,親愛的,別再推波助瀾了。婚姻簡直太妨礙一個人的社交活動了。

Emma woodhouse is a congenial young lady who delights in meddling in other people ' s affairs 艾瑪?伍德豪斯是在在另外的人的事情干涉高興的一位同族的年輕女士。

Is outlined by david woodhouse of red hat uk . you can read more about 您可以在linux headquarters閱讀更多有關

Emma woodhouse seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence 愛瑪?伍德豪斯簡直是個得天獨厚的人。

Mr . woodhouse : invite him for dinner . that is kindness enough 請他來吃飯吧,那就夠慷慨得了。

He had at first hoped to induce mr. woodhouse to remove with her to donwell . 他最初曾希望能勸說伍德豪斯先生同她一起搬到唐維爾去。

Emma woodhouse seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence . 愛瑪伍德豪斯簡直是個得天獨厚的人。

He might specify the coal-cellar and the woodhouse . 他可以特別提出貯煤室和劈柴房來。