
wood n.伍德〔姓氏〕。

wood alcohol

They were picnicking in the woods . 他們正在林子里野餐。

A cottage gleamed in the wood . 樹林中有座農舍隱約可見。

He carried a load of wood on his back . 他背著一捆木柴。

Wood is often painted to imitate stone . 木料制品常被人們涂以油漆冒充石料制品。

What are you doing in this neck of the woods ? 你在森林的這片狹長地帶干什么呢?

In plywood the wood has been cut into veneers . 在制膠合板時,把木材切成單板。

The house stands in the open outside of the woods . 那房子建立在林地之空地上。

So the wood remains in its swollen dimensions . 所以木材仍保持其膨脹時的體積。

Do you burn coal as well as wood on this fire ? 你是不是用煤也用木頭生這爐火?

The axe sliced through the wood . 斧頭一下子把木頭劈開了。

The path tails off into the woods . 小徑逐漸消失在樹林中。

We shall strike the main road beyond the wood .. 我們過了森林就會找到大路的。

I would tramp with a gang into the woods . 我同幫伙里的孩子們一起漫游于森林。

The woods rang with their shouts . 樹林里響遍了他們的叫聲。

The woods were aflutter with unknown birds . 樹林里因有不知名的小鳥而有動靜。

There is too much dead wood among the teaching staff . 教師中尸位素餐者很多。

The greater part of the wood had been explored . 大部分的樹林都被他們搜遍了。

The wood can be split up for fuel . 這塊木頭可以破開當柴燒。

In the far, far distance there was a thick wood . 在遙遠的地方,有一片密林。