
womenfolk 〔pl.〕〔集合詞〕婦女。


But by and by , as said , this evening after sundown , the wind sitting in the west , biggish swollen clouds to be seen as the night increased and the weatherwise poring up at them and some sheet lightnings at first and after , past ten of the clock , one great stroke with a long thunder and in a brace of shakes all scamper pellmell within door for the smoking shower , the men making shelter for their straws with a clout or kerchief , womenfolk skipping off with kirtles catched up soon as the pour came 如前所述,日暮時,風起西空,夜幕降臨后,出現大朵烏云,翻滾膨脹。喜觀天象者咸望之:惟見一道道閃電,十時許,一聲巨雷,伴以悠長轟鳴,驟雨若煙霧,眾人倉皇遁往家中。暴雨乍下,男子即以布片或手帕遮草帽,女子則撩起裙裾,跳躥而去。

As to the authority of the husband , this has always been weaker among the poor peasants because , out of economic necessity , their womenfolk have to do more manual labour than the women of the richer dasses and therefore have more say and greater power of decision in family matters 夫權這種東西,自來在貧農中就比較地弱一點,因為經濟上貧農婦女不能不較富有階級的女子多參加勞動,所以她們取得對于家事的發言權以至決定權的是比較多些。

Lengthy meal preparation by the home - based womenfolk of the house is replaced by women and men working in sedentary jobs , and relying heavily on street food which is cheap and plentiful all over asia . go to 家中婦女們準備飲食的冗長繁瑣過程已被有著固定工作的職業男女所取代,而在亞洲,便宜且多種的街食已成為人們生活不可或缺的一部分。

These crude efforts to stop the onsweep of a mighty social force with the bodies of their womenfolk were the dying gasps of the andlords 地主們妄圖犧牲自己女眷的肉體來阻擋這股強大的社會力量的奔騰向前,這種卑劣的手段是他們的垂死掙扎。

Today is a special day for womenfolk as the day is celebrated as woman ' s day across the world 今天是一個特殊的日子,因為今天是世界婦女節。

To analyze and study the status and actions of womenfolk in country in agriculture industrialization 農業產業化中農村婦女地位及作用分析研究

The issue of womenfolk in unauthorized religions and taoism in the ming and qing dynasties 試論明清道教與民間宗教中的女性問題

No womenfolk allowed 不能帶女人去

I was talkin ' to some of the other womenfolk 我跟其他幾個女人談起過

Perhaps some of the womenfolk will volunteer , 也許會有些女人會自愿來幫忙

The dead soldiers were mourned by their womenfolk 士兵死亡,女眷表示沉痛哀悼