wolf n.(pl. wolves )1.狼。2.殘忍的人;貪婪...
n. (pl. wolves ) 1.狼。 2.殘忍的人;貪婪的人。 3.極端的貧困;饑餓。 4.嚴重危害谷倉的各種害蟲(的幼蟲)。 5.【醫學】狼瘡。 6.【音樂】調弦不諧和;不諧和弦所產生的不協調音;粗厲音;(弓弦樂器的)顫音粗厲。 短語和例子a wolf in sheep's clothing 披著羊皮的豺狼;偽君子;偽裝友善的敵人。 cry wolf 喊“狼來了”騙人,發假警報。 have [hold] a wolf by the ears 騎虎難下,窘迫到極點,進退兩難。 have a wolf in the stomach 餓到極點。 have seen a wolf = see a wolf. keep the wolf from the door 勉強擺脫困境;免于饑餓。 see a wolf 說不出話來,目瞪口呆。 ugly enough to tree a (barking [curly, gray, white]) wolf 〔美俚〕丑陋已極;不中用到極點。 wake a sleeping wolf 打草驚蛇;自找麻煩。 vt. 〔俚語〕狼吞虎咽地大吃 (down)。 vi. 打狼,獵狼。 n. -er 獵狼者。 “of the wolf“ 中文翻譯: 狼的“a lone wolf“ 中文翻譯: 不喜歡與人來往的人; 孤僻的人“a vicious wolf“ 中文翻譯: 野心狼“a wolf and shadow“ 中文翻譯: 狐貍和他的影子; 狼和他的影子“a wolf’s tale“ 中文翻譯: 狼的傳說“andreas wolf“ 中文翻譯: 沃爾夫“arctic wolf“ 中文翻譯: 北極狼; 極地狼“as greedy as a wolf“ 中文翻譯: 貪婪如狼“as hungry as a wolf“ 中文翻譯: 饑腸轆轆; 像狼一樣饑餓“ash wolf“ 中文翻譯: 灰狼戶外用品商城“ashen wolf“ 中文翻譯: 大灰狼“black wolf“ 中文翻譯: 布萊克沃爾夫“blood wolf“ 中文翻譯: 血狼“brotherhood of the wolf“ 中文翻譯: 導演剪切版; 狙魔特攻; 狼族盟約“celestial wolf“ 中文翻譯: 和神狼; 天狼“charles wolf“ 中文翻譯: 查爾斯・沃爾夫; 夏爾沃爾夫“christa wolf“ 中文翻譯: 克里斯塔沃爾夫“cry wolf“ 中文翻譯: 報謊喊“狼來了”; 豺狼計劃/狼來了/哭泣殺狼; 惡狼id; 發出虛假的警報; 發假警報,謊稱; 烽火戲諸侯; 喊“狼來了”, 發假警報; 呼喊“狼來了”,發假情報; 慌報險情; 謊報軍情; 叫“狼來了”; 哭泣殺狼修正版; 虛發警報的孩子; 愚弄他人; 作虛假警報“deathwind wolf“ 中文翻譯: 風之狼“dick and the wolf“ 中文翻譯: 迪克和狼23“dick wolf“ 中文翻譯: 沃爾夫“dire wolf“ 中文翻譯: 懼狼; 恐懼之狼; 恐狼; 狂狼; 兇暴狼“doven wolf“ 中文翻譯: 飆狼“eric wolf“ 中文翻譯: 艾瑞克沃爾伏“wolf and calf“ 中文翻譯: 狼與小牛“woleu river“ 中文翻譯: 沃勒河
wolf cub |
Raymond : there are hippos , tigers , lions , ostriches , peacocks , camels , donkeys , wolves , foxes , deer . 雷蒙:有河馬,老虎,獅子,駝鳥,孔雀,駱駝,驢,狼,狐貍,鹿。 |
He was looking at wolf larsen, the old and implacable snarl of hatred strong as ever on his face . 他正瞧著海狼賴生,從前的不能和解的憎恨的表情,依舊強烈地留在他的臉上。 |
My father often said it was only the hardheaded thriftiness of my grandmother that kept the wolf at bay . 父親常說若不是祖母精明能干,克勤克儉,一家人非挨餓不可。 |
She looked at me with a sympathy in her eyes which more than compensated for wolf larsen's nastiness . 她含著同情的眼光望著我,這倒可以抵過海狼賴生的侮辱而有余。 |
It was as if a flock of foolish sheep placed themselves under the protection of a pack of ravening wolves . 他們就像是愚蠢的綿羊,自己走去投靠一群殘暴的豺狼。 |
I hope these little bits of gold i've brought down from the sky will help to keep the wolf from the door . 我希望我從天上帶回來的這些金幣能使咱們不再挨餓。 |
The cruel wolf growing old, formed the gentle resolution of living on good terms with the shepherds. 這只漸漸衰老的惡狼決心改邪歸正,同牧羊人融洽相處。 |
Wolf preys on various animals, securing some by craft, some by strength, and some by fleetness . 狼捕食各種動物,有的用狡計,有的用強力,有的靠捷速。 |
There, lurking in the forested perimeter, was a wolf pack-i counted nine adults . 在那樹木叢中的環形地帶隱匿著一個狼群--我數了數有九只成年狼。 |
Today the wolf family, like its adopted city, is in an advanced state of decline . 今天,如同他們選中的城市一樣,沃爾夫一家已墮落得不成樣子。 |
The wolves were now concentrating their efforts on one band of a dozen does and seven fawns . 現在狼集中力量對付有12頭母鹿和7頭幼鹿的那一股。 |
I could see furtive wolf shapes dodging in and out of the shadows, eyes shining . 我能看見狼形的詭秘身影在黑暗中時隱時現,眼睛閃著亮。 |
Then one night wolves got into the pasture and mangled the landowner's flock of sheep . 一天晚上,狼群沖進牧場,咬傷了地主的羊群。 |
He was like a canny wolf prowling in a forest of trees of his own creation . 他就像一只狡猾的狼,在他自己造的一座樹林里徘徊覓食。 |
Again wolf larsen laughed, at the same time beckoning them with his arm to follow . 海狼賴生又笑了,同時揮手招呼他們追過來。 |
When an icy winter seizes the earth in its grip, a great wolf will devour the sun . 一旦寒冷的冬天籠罩地球,大狼將吞沒太陽。 |
That was how the fox get even with the wolf for eating the lamb all by himself . 就這樣,狐貍對狠獨吞羊羔的行為進行了報復。 |
I thought there would be some biscuits left but they have wolfed the lot ! 我還以為能剩下些餅干,但是他們都給吃光了。 |
The howl of the wolves gave the lonely traveler a feeling of fear . 聽到狼群的嚎叫聲,那個單身旅行者不由得害怕起來。 |