
woebegone adj.1.悲哀的,憂愁的;苦惱不堪的。2.愁容滿面的。


The three stone miniature pagodas standing in the lake off the isle are presumably the best place for moon viewing . these pagodas produce many magic views of the moon in the water , making people nostalgic and reminiscent of the woebegone days and happy moments in the past . on the night of the autumn moon festival , the isle and its three miniature pagodas are the best attraction for moon spectators 從島北碼頭上岸,經過先賢祠等兩座建筑,即步入九曲平橋,橋上有開網亭,亭亭亭,康熙御碑亭,我心相印亭四座造型各異的亭子,讓人走走停停,歇歇看看,或談笑,或留影,流連觀照,飽覽美景。

Her woebegone expression , her hang - dog manner , her over - anxiousness to please , or perhaps her unconscious hostility towards those she anticipated will affront her - all act to drive away those whom she would attract 他本來可以吸引很多人,只因她那副愁眉苦臉的表情,自覺做錯事的樣子,急于討好別人的舉動,或者也許是她以為別人會有意使她難堪而產生的下意識的敵意,往往把人嚇跑。

Her woebegone expre ion , her hang - dog ma er , her over - anxiou e to please , or perha her unco cious hostility towards those she anticipated will affront her - all act to drive away those whom she would attract 他本來可以吸引很多人,只因她那副愁眉苦臉的表情,自覺做錯事的樣子,急于討好別人的舉動,或者也許是她以為別人會有意使她難堪而產生的下意識的敵意,往往把人嚇跑。

Charley boulger used to come out on his high horse , cocked hat , puffed , powdered and shaved . look at the woebegone walk of him 然而,瞧瞧他走路時那副狼狽相,仿佛是個在事業上一敗涂地的人。

His sorrow . made him look . haggard and . woebegone ( george du maurier 他的悲傷…使他看起來…憔悴且…愁眉苦臉(喬治?杜?莫里耶) 。

Why do you look so woebegone all of a sudden “為什么你一下子就變得這樣愁容滿面了? ”