
witless adj.無才智的,沒腦筋的,沒思想的;輕率的;愚笨的。a...


Hmmmn . it is feast or famine with you . we are either hurried beyond endurance or bored witless , it seems 攸旭摩:嗯跟你在一起不是大吃大喝,就是饑腸轆轆的兩種極端。我們似乎要嘛就是趕路敢的半死,要嘛就是無聊發呆到變笨。

But do let her go , jacky , coaxed his poor witless wife . he s struck wi - her you can see that “不過還是讓她去吧,杰克, ”可憐的傻乎乎的妻子勸著丈夫說。

You sent the ring of power into mordor in the hands of a witless halfling 你把魔戒放在一個無知的霍比特人手里然后讓他送去了魔多

Witless shellfish swam in the gross lenses to and fro , seeking outlet 遲鈍的貝殼在厚實的鏡片中游來游去,在尋找著出口。

I have no desire to remain in the company of the witless 維康妮亞:我可沒興趣和白癡們結伴同行。

A witless aladdin : the gate to the world 缺心眼的阿拉丁:入世之門

Did you think neville longbottom , the witless wonder . . 你認為納威?隆巴頓會找到呼吸草嗎. .

Did you think neville longbottom , the witless wonder 你認為納威隆巴頓會找到呼吸草嗎

The assassination attempt that failed in july 1944 was witless and traitorous . 1944年7月以失敗而告終的那個暗殺企圖即無頭腦,又失信義。

“but do let her go, jacky,“ coaxed his poor witless wife . “可是你非叫她去不可,捷奇,”他那位頭腦簡單,智力低下的太太甜言蜜語地說。