
witan n.〔pl.〕 【英史】(盎格魯撒克遜時代的)咨議院咨議...


Finally , they created the witan ( council or meeting of the wisemen ) to advise the king , the basis of the privy council which still exists today 最后,他們還創立了議會(賢人會議) ,向國王提供建議,這就成為了今天仍存在的樞密院的基礎。

When ethebred ' s death left no strong saxon successor , the witan chose canute the danish leader , as king in 1016 埃塞爾雷德死后沒有留下有實力的撒克遜繼承人,于是賢人會議選擇了丹麥首領克努特為國王。

William replaced the witan , the council of the anglo - saxon kings , with the grand council of his new tenants - in - chief 威廉用由他的土地承租人組成的大議會取代了安各魯撒克遜國王的顧問團賢人會議。