
wistful adj.1.渴望的,不滿足似的。2.沉思的,默想的;愁悶...


Track 8 “ earthly fireworks ” was yet another song specifically composed with the singer in mind , complete with wistful and picturesque lyrics such as “ wind keeps its silence , leaves fall down without a sound “ , delivered again with that poetic melancholy only jeffrey could embody so well 第8首“人間煙火”是另一首專門為陳汝佳而作的歌曲,配上感性而極富畫面感的歌詞,如“風沉默不說,樹葉無聲的墜落” ,再次透過那種陳汝佳所特有的詩意的憂郁展現出來。

Panoramic sightseeing in scandinavia largest and liveliest metropolis . see city hall , stock exchange on the way to christiansborg palace , amalienborg palace and the wistful little mermaid watching the harbor . also , a visit to rosenborg palace to admire the danish crown jewels 早上市區觀光:安徒生童話中美人魚雕像安瑪麗皇宮市政大廈國會所在地的克利絲登舊皇宮,在16世紀的羅生城堡,并參觀丹麥歷代皇室珍藏之珠寶及皇冠。

I was now too fond of you often to simulate the first whim ; and , when i stretched my hand out cordially , such bloom and light and bliss rose to your young , wistful features , i had much ado often to avoid straining you then and there to my heart 這時我已經太喜歡你了,不忍激起第一種念頭。我真誠地伸出手時,清新光明幸福的表情便浮現在你年輕而充滿渴望的臉上,我便總是猶疑不定,免得自己當場就把你拉進懷抱。 ”

This was followed by the vice - representative s speech , mr . magohiro aramoto “ we are now in our 6th year since the start of our activities , bringing back wistful memories when the organization started with efforts to reach the - 100 , 000 mark for dvd recorders 連任后,相澤宏紀代表在開幕致辭中說道“刻錄型dvd市場以比當初預想的還要快的速度增長,到今天已成為巨大的市場。

She was delicately moulded in sentiment , and answered with vague ruminations to certain wistful chords . they awoke longings for those things which she did not have . they caused her to cling closer to things she possessed 她的情感天生細膩,某些憂傷的曲子在她心里引起了朦朧的沉思,勾起她對自己欠缺的東西的渴望,也使她更依戀自己擁有的美好東西。

His new single , a nostalgic ballad with a wistful , haunting mood , is inspired by his movie role of patriotic student kuang yumin , who lived in shanghai in the 1940s 而這支滿是復古味的新單曲,充滿濃到化不開的情愁,是力宏受到電影中他飾演的愛國學生鄺裕民一角啟發所創作的歌曲。鄺裕民的時代背景是1940年的上海。

Can this be death ? prince andrey wondered , with an utterly new , wistful feeling , looking at the grass , at the wormwood and at the thread of smoke coiling from the rotating top 安德烈公爵一面想,一面用完全新的羨慕的眼光看青草苦艾,看那從旋轉著的黑球冒出的一縷裊裊上升的青煙。

There was a little picture of her on the wall , showing her arrayed in the little jacket he had first bought her - her face a little more wistful than he had seen it lately 墻上有一張她的小照,照片里的她穿著他第一次給她買的那件小外套,臉上帶著近來已不常看到的憂愁渴望的表情。

The watercolors makes the picture look a lot more wistful than i intended , but i still like the results . my january a submission for the manga art exchange 出了我的意料水彩般的畫風添了許多愁悶的氣氛?不過我還是很喜歡這個效果。 2004年一月上旬同人畫家交換作品展覽圖。

Today , with machinery replacing manual labour , the handful of these craftsmen still surviving and plying their trade are a wistful reminder of hong kong of yesterday 時至今日,由于機器取代了人力,只有小量的工匠能夠生存,這些行業已變成懷緬舊香港的象徵。

Now she sat looking out across the park as wistful and depressed as the nature which craves variety and life can be under such circumstances 當她坐在那里看著對面的公園時,正像渴求變化和生命的自然界在這種時刻的情緒一樣,她心里充滿著企盼和憂愁。

All green and fair the summer lies , just budded from the bud of spring , with tender blue of wistful skies , and winds that softly sing 夏日展現出一片翠綠、美麗的圖畫,就像春天的蓓蕾剛剛萌芽,湛藍的令人向往的天空,還有那輕聲吟唱的微風。

If you are lady burnewilke by now , take my letter as a wistful farewell compliment to an unlikely and wonderful love 如果你已經是勃納?訣克夫人了,那么就把我這封信看作是對一場不可能實現的,美好綺麗的戀愛依依不舍的贊美詞。

Yet , on screen , he is irresistible , with the wistful innocence of great screen comedians like charlie chaplin and buster keaton 然而象查理?卓別林、巴斯特?基頓那樣,他那充滿渴望的天真的銀幕形象是無可匹敵的。

Apart from being our wistful treasures of childhood and reminders of yesteryear s pleasures , toys offer a window on life 不過,玩具不僅限于娛樂和玩耍,其實也是社會變遷的寫照。

He really pined for a word , and looked out upon her with his mind s eye in the most wistful manner 他苦苦盼著她的來信,如癡如醉地思念著她。不管她怎么想,他不能失去她。

In the morning , on opening his eyes , he beheld it regarding him with a wistful and hungry stare 早晨,他一睜開眼就覺察到這個畜生盯著他的如饑似渴的眼光。

She looked so lovely and warm and wistful , his bowels stirred towards her 她是這樣的美麗,這樣的溫暖,這樣的熱切,他的臟腑為她騷動起來了。

The paly light of evening falls upon a face infinitely sad and wistful 黃昏時分那蒼白的余暉投射到一張悲傷愁悶之至的臉龐上。