
wisteria n.【植物;植物學】紫藤(屬)。 Chinese wis...


The processing method and medical value of the species were also collected some of the species have practical value , such as caragana , hibiscus , chrysanthemum , wisteria , gardenia , and their botanical characteristics and edible and economical value were investigated and the possibility of future use analyzed 同時收集了不同食用花卉的食用加工方法和不同食用花卉的藥用和保健知識。介紹了本地區幾種具有開發價值的食用花卉如:錦雞兒、木槿、食用菊花、紫藤、梔子等花卉的屬性及其藥用、食用價值和經濟價值,提出了開發利用的建議。

“ and you ' d think eva longoria would be more sympathetic to the plight of rabbits considering the way her character the way she screws around like one on wisteria lane , “ the group added . however richie ' s “ the simple life “ co - star paris hilton has fallen off the list after reportedly denouncing fur “照理說,朗格利婭在飾演了那個“食窩邊草”的絕望主婦和家里的園丁搞男女關系后,應該更能理解和同情兔子的窘境,但結果也沒有。 ”

“ and you ' d think eva longoria would be more sympathetic to the plight of rabbits considering the way her character the way she like one on wisteria lane , “ the group added . however richie ' s “ the simple “照理說,朗格利婭在飾演了那個“食窩邊草”的絕望主婦和家里的園丁搞男女關系后,應該更能理解和同情兔子的窘境,但結果也沒有。 ”

“ and you ' d think eva longoria would be more sympathetic to the plight of rabbits considering the way her character the way she screws around like one on wisteria lane , “ the group added “照理說,朗格利婭在飾演了那個“食窩邊草”的絕望主婦和家里的園丁搞男女關系后,應該更能理解和同情兔子的窘境,但結果也沒有。 ”

“ and you ' d think eva longoria would be more sympathetic to the plight of rabbits considering the way her character the way she screws around like one on wisteria lane , “ the group added “照理說,朗格利婭在飾演了那個“食窩邊草”的絕望主婦(和家里的園丁搞男女關系)后,應該更能理解和同情兔子的窘境,但結果也沒有。 ”

“ and you d think eva longoria would be more sympathetic to the plight of rabbits considering the way her character the way she screws around like one on wisteria lane , “ the group added “照理說,朗格利婭在飾演了那個“食窩邊草”的絕望主婦和家里的園丁搞男女關系后,應該更能理解和同情兔子的窘境,但結果也沒有。 ”

Wisterias form romantic cascades of sweetpea - like flowers that fall in lush blue , pink or white masses from woody vines that grow mainly in the south and southwest 柴藤的造型頗為羅曼諦克:或藍色或粉紅或白色的象小甜豆大小的花朵茂密地蔓延下垂,它主要生長在南部和西南部地區,又名云豆樹。

In addition to the floral displays , there are flowing lawns and box - trimmed hedges , somber green irish yews and fragrant sprays of wisteria , terraces and reflecting pools 佛籮莉花園是一個十分適合闔家親子一游的地方。所費時間既不多,何不輕松選個周末假日來此一游。

Appearance : luminous , brilliant straw yellow . bouquet : intense , fruity , aromatic , with scents of wisteria taste : extremely pleasant , with a lightly nutty finish 特色:外觀:明亮的麥稈黃色。香氣:香氣強烈,有果香和紫藤花香。口感:非常怡人,余味有少許干果味。

But if mother was up we always began by playing on the porch until she said we were making too much noise , then we went out and played under the wisteria frame 倘若媽媽沒躺在床上,我們總是在門廊上玩,一直到她嫌我們太吵了,我們這才出去在紫藤架下玩耍。

A street in little whinging , intersecting privet drive . we also know that mrs . figg lives on wisteria walk , with her cats and kneazles ( op1 ) 小惠金區里的一條街,與女貞路相交。我們也知道福格太太跟她的貓咪和貓貍子一起住在紫藤路上(鳳凰社第一章) 。

A street in little whinging , intersecting privet drive . we also know that mrs . figg lives on wisteria walk , with her cats and kneazles ( op1 ) 小圍金路上的一條街,與女貞路交界。我們也知道福格太太和她的貓瞇們住在紫藤路上( 《鳳凰社》第1章) 。

The girls do hope to be back on the set soon , but know that it may be some time before they ' re filming scenes on wisteria lane 她們確實很希望能盡快返回拍攝,但是她們也知道在返回紫藤巷拍攝前還要耗上一陣子。

The information contained in the owl ontology has allowed jena to infer that “ wisteria “ has hypernyms right up through the model Owl本體中包含的信息已經使jena可以推斷“ wisteria ”在模型中有上位詞。

In the book , the author shows how to make tea . it looks like i should read the book first before heading for wisteria tea house 在書中,平澤摩里子提到如何泡好茶,看來我應該先閱讀再去喝茶? !

Bouquet : intense , fruity , aromatic , with scents of wisteria taste : extremely pleasant , with a lightly nutty finish 特色:香氣:香氣強烈,有果香和紫藤花香。口感:非常怡人,余味有少許干果味。

Besides privet drive , the streets in the neighborhood are named magnolia road , magnolia crescent , and wisteria walk 除了女貞路,鄰近的街道還有木蘭花路、木蘭花新月街和紫藤路。

Listing 17 shows what happens when the inference model is queried for hypernyms of “ wisteria “ 清單17顯示了當對推理模型查詢“ wisteria ”的上位詞時的結果:

After the funeral , all the residents of wisteria lane came to pay their respects 葬禮之后,紫藤巷所有的居民都來表達他們(對死者)的緬懷。