
wispy adj.(-ier; -iest)1.小捆[小束]狀的。...


During a rare observation last weekend , cassini ' s cameras revealed a new ring at saturn and other spectacular sights , including wispy fingers of icy material stretching out tens of thousands of kilometers from enceladus and even an image of distant planet earth 在上周少有的觀測中,卡西尼的照相機顯示出土星的一個新環和其他一些壯觀景象,包括從土衛二伸展出的數萬千米細指狀冰物質以及回望地球的一張照片。

Cirrus is usually thin , wispy and scattered . there are patches of narrow bands with fibrous texture which look like feathers , hair , tenuous trail or ponytails . it is fascinating to see cirrus in a variety of shapes and sizes 卷云云層通常不厚,且細致而分散,呈現一絲絲的具有纖維組織的云彩,像羽毛頭發亂絲或馬尾,姿態很多,相當有趣。

In a dark place , our pupils dilate . a person will feel discomfort and lost his dark adaptation if a strong light shines on his eyes suddenly . photos of wispy nebulae and galaxies can only be taken with extended exposure 人的瞳孔會在黑暗地方擴張,如果突然以強光照射眼睛,不但令人感到不適,更會使人看不見較暗的星星。

He has the wispy goatee and the ghoulish tattoos of a hardened , aging man but the skinny legs of a second grader and the biceps of a boy scout 他留著一小簇山羊胡,強壯的身軀上紋有骷髏紋身,他是一位老去的男人,但卻有著纖細的小腿以及發達的肌肉。

Immediately before the appearance of a vision ( which may be realistic or a mere wispy swirl ) , the globe is said to mist up from within 視力景象立馬就顯現(圖像可能是現實的或僅僅是細微的漩渦狀) ,一團薄霧據說從水晶球體內面升騰起來。

Photos of wispy nebulae and galaxies can only be taken with extended exposure . not only flashlight will not help , it will become a nuisance 夜空中暗弱的天體需要以長期間曝光來拍攝,使用閃光燈不單絕對不會有效,更會影響他人。

Cherry - scented smoke from grampy ' s pipe kept the hungry mosquitoes at bay while gray , wispy swirls danced around our heads 從祖父煙斗里噴出的白色煙霧在我們腦袋周圍上下旋繞,它們散發的櫻桃香味使貪婪的蚊子不敢靠近。

A few bright wispy markings curl around the eastern limb of rhea ( 1 , 528 kilometers , 949 miles across ) 一些小而明亮的斑紋纏繞在土衛五的東部。 (直徑1 , 528公里, 949英里)

Goodbye , josephine , said connie , kissing the baby and ruffling its red , wispy hair 康妮一邊說,一邊吻著孩子,揉著她的紅色的卷發。

You don ' t have to be too perfect ; the picture should be light and wispy 你不用畫得太過精細,圖畫應該是稀疏有致的

What does that wispy little brat have that you don ' t have double 你哪點不比那纖瘦的小女人強?

The wispy the purgatorial and the spinster ghost reside 又老又丑的鬼