wiseman n.懷斯曼〔姓氏〕。
n. 懷斯曼〔姓氏〕。 “frederick wiseman“ 中文翻譯: 費特力克懷斯曼“joseph wiseman“ 中文翻譯: 約瑟夫・維斯曼“len wiseman“ 中文翻譯: 連恩・懷斯曼; 連韋士文; 倫・維斯曼; 威斯曼; 威茲曼; 維斯曼“scott wiseman“ 中文翻譯: 斯科特韋斯曼“wisemann“ 中文翻譯: 維澤曼“wisely“ 中文翻譯: adv. 明智地,聰明地,精明地。 “wisemen“ 中文翻譯: 智者“wiselqvist“ 中文翻譯: 維塞爾奎斯特“wisemen group“ 中文翻譯: 智者小組“wisell“ 中文翻譯: 維塞爾“wisemoman“ 中文翻譯: 產婆“wiselka“ 中文翻譯: 維塞烏卡“wisen“ 中文翻譯: 維森“wiselean“ 中文翻譯: 斯精益
wisenheimer |
Physical attractiveness was largely unimportant , the study found . richard wiseman , a psychology professor who organised the research said : “ the people who asked interesting , quirky questions were by no means the most attractive people in the room . but it ' s difficult to answer their questions without smiling . 他說: “那些會用幽默或稀奇的問題開始談話的人都能成功約到心儀的對象,他們可能并不是當場最有魅力的人,但當你回答他們的提問時你很難不面帶笑容。 ” |
These results reveal that emotional infection plays a key role in charisma . have you got it ? to uncover what it is that makes someone charismatic , wiseman asked all entrants to famelabtm to complete the affective communication test a 13 - item questionnaire that identifies the degree to which people can induce their own emotions in others 為了找出是什么使得某個人有魅力的原因,威斯曼教授要求所有參加famelabtm比賽的選手填寫一張有13個問題的情感交流測試表,該表用來確定一個人能在多大程度上用自己的情緒來感染其他人。 |
Inspired by a non - fiction book by rosalind wiseman and written by “ saturday night live “ 1975 scribe tina fey , the high school comedy drama opened to glowing reviews , and grossed 86 million in the u . s . alone 以一非小說書以羅莎琳德懷斯曼鼓舞和以“星期六夜晚住“ 1975寫劃線于田娜該死,中學喜劇戲劇打開在發光時檢閱,并且總共賺得一全世界的巨大的1 . 12億美元。 |
Richard wiseman , a psychology professor who organised the research said : “ the people who asked interesting , quirky questions were by no means the most attractive people in the room 他說: “那些會用幽默或稀奇的問題開始談話的人都能成功約到心儀的對象,他們可能并不是當場最有魅力的人,但當你回答他們的提問時你很難不面帶笑容。 ” |
Professor wiseman said : “ when it comes to totally chance events like the lottery , it made no difference , but when it comes to luck inlife , it made a real difference in terms of opportunities and confidence 懷斯曼教授說: “對于像彩票這樣的純粹的機會問題,運氣不起什么作用,但是在生活中,它對機會和自信起到了很大的作用。 |
According to the wcrf ' s medical and scientific adviser , martin wiseman , each five bmi points above this range doubles the risk of post - menopausal breast cancer and colorectal cancer 世界癌癥研究基金會的醫學和科學顧問馬丁.懷斯曼認為,在這個范圍之上身體質量指數每增加5點,絕經后乳腺癌和結腸癌的發病幾率就會增加一倍。 |
According to the wcrf ' s medical and scientific adviser , martin wiseman , each five bmi points above this range doubles the risk of post - menopausal breast cancer and colorectal cancer 世界癌癥研究基金會醫學和科學顧問馬丁.懷斯曼認為,在此范圍之上,身體質量指數每超過5點,患絕經后乳腺癌和直腸癌的概率就會翻倍。 |
Prof wiseman said : “ men are often accused of being shallow and judging women very quickly . “ however , this evidence suggests that women may make up their minds much quicker than men 懷斯曼教授指出: “男人總被抱怨太輕率,對女人做出判斷時速度太快,但研究結果證實,女人做出是否去約會的時間比男人的更短。 |
The study carried out by professor richard wiseman , a psychologist at the university of hertfordshire is the first to examine the theory of emotional contagion and charisma in a public arena 這項研究是由理查德威斯曼教授進行的,他是赫特福特大學第一個考察情感感染力和公共領域內魅力問題的心理學家。 |
The study , by professor richard wiseman of the psychology department of the university of hertfordshire , found carrying a charm had no effect on the chances of choosing winning lottery numbers 由赫特福德郡大學心理系教授理查德懷斯曼進行的研究發現擁有這一魔力對選擇彩票的中獎號碼沒有效。 |
Interestingly those who scored highly for charisma and in the questionnaire on emotional contagion were those that also did well in the competition , said professor wiseman “有趣的是,那些在魅力程度和情緒感染測試表上得分高的人,也就是那些在比賽中表現優秀的人, ”威斯曼教授說道。 |
The pattern of the results , with those born in spring and summer reporting themselves luckier than those born in autumn or winter , could have two potential explanations , professor wiseman said 威斯曼教授說,春夏出生的人比秋冬出生的人更容易覺得自己幸運,這種情況可能有兩種解釋。 |
Professor richard wiseman , a psychologist at the university of hertfordshire , said : “ these findings question the notion that women really are more intuitive than men 在這一環節中,男性受訪者的正確率為72 % ,而女性為71 %男性受訪者的成績比女性受訪者的成績略勝一籌。 |
Charisma is hard to pin down , we all have a sense of someone having it but it is difficult to explain why , said professor wiseman “魅力是一個難以確切定義的事情,對某個人是否有魅力,我們大家都會有感覺,但是卻很難解釋他為什么有魅力, ”理查德威斯曼教授說道。 |
Such as optimism , that luck is a psychological phenomenon rather than a matter of blind chance , “ said professor richard wiseman , who led the research , 我的假設是,人們通過樂觀等性格特點來創造自己的幸運。幸運只是一種心理現象,而不是難以捉摸的偶然之物。 ” |
Please download the subscription form in pdf format . then complete the form and fax to wiseman co via fax : 2967 - 0956 請下載pdf格式的訂購表格,然后填妥傳真至852 2967 - 0956 ,并以支票繳付費用,支票抬頭 |
Dr wiseman said : “ this could be because women experience emotions more fully and are more expressive 懷斯曼說: “測試結果還表明,女性不僅情感更加豐富,也更加善于表達。 |
. . . because i met a certain mr . wiseman , who gave me a job in his shop 因為我碰到一位懷斯曼先生,他在自已的片場里給我找了一份工作。 |
Because i met a certain mr . wiseman , who gave me a job in his shop 因為我碰到一位懷斯曼先生,他在自已的片場里給我找了一份工作。 |