uploads/wise guy.jpg

wise guy 〔美俚〕自以為聰明的人。

wise money

Mr brown , who is said to be balanced and likeable ( though less of a wise guy than his predecessor ) , is certainly qualified for the job 據說,布朗先生是個統籌兼顧,平易近人的人(盡管不像他的前任那么足智多謀) ,也完全能勝任此職。

Frank and eddie are a pair of inept would - be wise guys trying to scare up enough money to get out of the small texas town they call home 弗蘭克和艾迪,一對自以為是的廢物,打算湊足夠的錢離開那個他們稱之為家的德州小鎮。

To play the wise guy is worse than to be stupid . the most foolish mistakes are committed by the wise rather than the foolish 笨人的可怕不在其笨,而在其自作聰明。笨人做不了最笨的事,最笨的事都是聰明人做的。

Bob pretends to be such a wise guy , but we all know he ' s not as clever as he thinks 鮑勃裝作是一個聰明人,但我們都知道他并非象他想的那樣聰明。

When the three wise guys from the east side arrived , they found jesus in the manager 當三個從東側來的聰明?伙到達時,他們在經理那里發現耶穌。

A wise guy 你的,狡猾

You wise guy 你這個聰明的家伙

He had been such a wise guy that all of us felt he deserved his punishment 他總是自作聰明,因此我們都認為他受罰是自找的。

Whatever , wise guy 隨你怎么說,靚仔

Not so fast , wise guy 別急嘛,聰明人

You ' re a fucking wise guy 你以為你是誰呢

The n ant . the neon . wise guy 高,實在是高

Okay , seriously , l can ' t understand wise guy so be more specific 說正格兒的,我不太懂你這聰明人的話你得講清楚一點

Everybody is a wise guy here 這兒每個人都很聰明

Herriott : don ' t be a wise guy . i invited you . i ' ll pay the bill 赫瑞特:別自作聰明。我邀請你來。我應付賬。

All right , who ' s the wise guy ? all right 誰干的?好啊

Your time will come , wise guy 你也會有這一天的,聰明人

What ' s the matter with that ? - manly , all right , wise guy 那又如何? -有男子雄風,行么,聰明的家伙?

- what ' s the matter with that ? - manly , all right , wise guy -那又如何? -有男子雄風,行么,聰明的家伙?