
wise n.懷斯〔姓氏〕。

wise baby

They are wise and aware . 他們有眼光,有見識。

He is gentle, patient, courageous and extremely wise . 他知禮,耐心,勇敢,而且非常聰明。

The wise jobseeker explores the place the day before . 精明的求職者總是前一天探明地方。

She is wise , and active too . 她又聰明,又活潑。

The wise man has no perplexities . 賢者,不惑也。

He who knows others is learned, and he who knows himself is wise . 知人者智,自知者明。

The wisest course would be to surrender to the police . 最聰明的辦法是到警察局去自首。

He was as wise as he went . 他和從前一樣啥也不懂。

There were still many wise and good men in the country。 國內還有不少聰明和正直的人。

A word to the wise is sufficient . 聰明人一點就通。

I am never the wiser for it . 這樣我還是一點也不懂。

You're getting wise to yourself . 你這才算是開竅了。

A fool is wise in his own conceit . 蠢人自以為聰明。

He seems to be none the wiser after all this . 經過這一切后他看來還是那樣稀里糊涂。

This approach is not a wise one . 這種設想是不明智的。

Many receive advice, only the wise profit by it . 許多人聽到忠告,唯智者始能受益。

This time the young lord was wiser . 這次少爺聰明了些。

The wise man is always a good listener . 智者善聽人言。

They are original, magnanimous, and wise . 這些看法別出心裁,豪爽大度,英明睿智。