
wink vi.1.眨眼。2.使眼色。3.假裝沒看見,寬恕,默許,...


Wink , a heads - up on happenings - sun - sentinel . com 畢業生接受救生禮物-谷記載

He gave me a cheery wink as i passed by 我走過的時候他親切地朝我眨眨眼睛。

Lisa : hey gordon , are you winking at that girl 莉莎:戈登,你在對那個女生眨眼嗎?

Why , i haven t had a wink of sleep these three weeks 這三個星期我還沒合過眼呢! ”

A judge should never wink at any lawbreaking 法官不應該對任何犯法的行為中以寬縱。

I ' ve hardly slept a wink since it happened 自從那事發生后,我幾乎沒合過眼。

We have winked at these irregularities too long 我們對這種越軌行為容忍得太久了。

I ' m telling you that girl totally winked at me 那個女孩真的是一直向我眨眼睛。

B : we surely did . i couldn ’ t sleep a wink all night 的確是。整晚我都不能合眼。

Nobody volunteering a statement , he winked , saying 于是他眨巴了一下眼睛,說:

He ' s gonna do something . he just winked at me 他要耍花樣,他剛才對我使了個眼色

Let msn winks show make your life different 你的msn頭像是千篇一律的靜態圖片嗎

And with that he winked and pinched me hard 說時他眨巴著眼睛,并且捏了我一下。

The shopman beckoned him to advance, grinning and winking and jerking his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the office . 那店員翹起大拇指擠眉弄眼地向肩后辦公室那邊指了指,一邊嬉皮笑臉地向他招手要他走過去。

The bystanders began now to look at each other, nod, wink significantly, and tap their fingers against their foreheads . 這時,看熱鬧的人一個個你望著我,我望著你,點著頭,會意地眨著眼,用指頭輕輕敲著自己的額角。

Old broderson startled annixter, who sat next to him, out of all measure by suddenly winking at him with infinite craftiness . 老勃洛得生突然朝坐在他身邊的安尼克斯特萬分調皮的擠擠眼,叫安尼克斯特吃驚得不可開交。

On the grassland , it may be fine and sunny one moment , then almost immediately heavy wind and storm may come down on you like winking . 在草原上,一會兒晴空萬里,陽光燦爛,但轉瞬間,又會刮起狂風暴雨。

When dick had looked at the paper, he winked with one eye, extended his grotesque mouth from ear to ear, like a navigable canal . 迪克看過紙條,眨著一只眼,奇形怪狀的嘴從左耳咧到右耳,象一條通航的運河。

He remembered the general's pale baleful eyes staring at him blankly, and then the inexplicable wink . 他還記得當時將軍那一對透著兇光的淡淡的眼睛先是愣愣地對他瞅半晌,而后忽然向他丟了個高深莫測的眼色。