
window n.1.窗;窗口,窗戶;窗扉,窗框;窗玻璃;(商店的)櫥...

window bar

He sprang from the cabin window as he said this . 說著這話,他縱身躍出舷窗。

He noticed black clouds of smoke out the window . 他注意到黑煙從窗戶往外冒。

Do n't put your head out of the window . 不要把頭伸出窗外。

She sat gazing unhappily out of the window . 她坐在那兒悶悶不樂地望著窗外。

Flames were leaping out of the windows . 火焰從窗戶向外噴射。

The cold has frosted the windows . 寒冷的天氣使窗子蓋滿了霜。

The windows were secured by crazy shutters . 窗戶上都用破舊的百葉窗保護著。

Tim stealthily opened the window and listened . 蒂姆偷偷地打開窗戶諦聽著。

Please open the door and windows to let the smoke out . 請打開門窗散散煙。

I prefer that one near the window . 我喜歡靠近窗子的那張桌子。

A gust of wind dashed rain against the window . 一股風把雨吹過來打在窗上。

The tree branch is rubbing against the window . 樹枝拂著窗子。

Do n't stick your head out of the window . 不要把頭伸出窗外。

The sun streamed through the windows . 陽光正透過窗戶傾瀉進來。

The window has frozen up and i can not open it . 窗戶給凍上了,我打不開。

He looked out of the window sullenly . 他悶悶不樂地往窗外望去。

The bright landscape rolled past the windows . 明亮的景色在窗前倏忽閃過。

A cool breeze came in through the window . 一陣清風從窗口吹來。

The mist began to form outside the windows . 舷窗外升起了濃霧。