
wily adj.(-ier; -iest) 詭計多端的;足智多謀...


From producer jerry bruckheimer pearl harbor comes pirates of the caribbean : the curse of the black pearl , the thrilling , high - seas adventure with a mysterious twist . the roguish yet charming captain jack sparrow s johnny depp idyllic pirate life capsizes after his nemesis , the wily captain barbossa geoffrey rush , steals his ship the black pearl , and later attacks the town of port royal , kidnapping the governor s beautiful daughter elizabeth keira knightley 此時,與她青梅竹馬的維廉奧蘭度邦尼不惜與神秘海盜王積克尊尼特普聯手,誓要救回伊莎正當一場人魔大戰即將爆發之際,竟發現積克才是鬼盜船的主人,而維廉亦與神秘魔咒有極大關連究竟誰可破解魔咒之謎?

“ wily “ happens to be his very good friend for many years . wong is determined to nail the murdered himself , before he resigns . with the help from a malaysian police officer , ong chat fu lo king wah , who bring with him some substantial evidence , wong is able to work on the first suspect , a shipping tycoon called ho stuart ong 邦聯同大馬督察翁?富盧景華飾老差骨金沙展郭追飾及新扎師兄倫國強黃衍蒙飾組成專案小組,根據線索向疑兇富商賀加年翁世杰飾著手偵查,但數次行動皆無所獲。

Iarino t ransportat ion has aohi eved groal . success in recent yours along wi in i ho development , and global i / al . ion of the world economic trade . whether ; he dove 1 opment of a port , which is lhe pivot , of goods i ntnsfor and repackage in wilier ? and transportation , can follow the steps of time , is of great concern with the existence and development of a port enterprise 近些年隨著世界經濟貿易的發展和全球化,海上運輸事業也不斷發展壯大,同時,作為貨物水陸換裝樞紐的港口,伴隨著時代的發展也發生著日新月異的變化,因此我們必須對港口企業的現狀和發展給予足夠的重視。

The roguish yet charming captain jack sparrow s johnny depp idyllic pirate life capsizes after his nemesis , the wily captain barbossa geoffrey rush , steals his ship the black pearl , and later attacks the town of port royal , kidnapping the governor s beautiful daughter elizabeth keira knightley 以布沙船長謝菲路殊為首的邪惡海盜,因盜取傳說寶藏而中了神秘魔咒,在月圓之夜會變成不死的活骷髏,駕著鬼盜船橫行殺戮。

The hard kind involves the conjugation of wily verbs and the science of placing them alongside various other words in order to form such sentences as “ i go him say good afternoon ” and “ no , not to him i no go it him say now 艱難型的法語涉及那些狡猾的動詞的變形,配以對如何把他們和其他各種單詞合理編排的科學認識,才能讓人造得出如下的句子: “我走他說下午好”和“不,不是他我不走它他現在說。 ”

H is for hiddink , guus , the wily old coach and upset - maker in charge of the socceroos of australia this go - around ; is for hargreaves , owen , canada ' s most famous and successful soccer export , making his second cup appearance for england 2006年7月1日,歐文哈格里夫斯將會永遠記得這個加拿大國慶日,因為在這一天,英格蘭在世界杯四分之一決賽中點球輸給葡萄牙,哈格里夫斯是唯一踢進點球的隊員

Certainly a call to the visitors room had scarcely astonished andrea less than themselves , for the wily youth , instead of making use of his privilege of waiting to be claimed on his entry into la force , had maintained a rigid silence 對于這次被召到會見室里安德烈本人并不象旁人那樣驚奇。因為,自從跨進福斯監,那善于心計的青年便保持著堅忍的沉默,不象旁人那樣到處寫信向人求援。

No one backs the crusading cop in the latter objective , and as he faces a suave and wily crime boss john lone of the last emperor and a libidinous newscaster ariane , he may be taking on more than he can handle 尊飾演新上任的華人黑幫頭目,毒品市場盈利可觀,野心勃勃的他決定向意大利黑幫開戰,血洗紐約街。米奇洛基飾演的警探,聯同年青女記者,誓要將黑幫連根拔起

His questioner , perceiving that he was not likely to get a great deal of change out of such a wily old customer , fell to woolgathering on the enormous dimensions of the water about the globe 發問者看出,從這樣一個狡猾的老家伙嘴里是打聽不出什么來的,就開始呆呆地馳想著環繞地球的浩渺水域的事。

One of the 20th century s most compelling figures , howard hughes was a wily industrialist , glamorous movie producer and unstoppable american innovator . . 1920年代,只有17歲的侯活繼承父母大遺產,狂傲冒險的他,憑著膽識創見堅執與及對飛行的熱情,展開了他在航空業與. .

In debates with anglo - american capitalists , wily bons vivants have tended to cite the idea of “ quality of life ” to excuse slower economic growth 在和盎格魯血統的美國人爭論時,那些老謀深算的奢華貴族們就常常打出“生活質量”的招牌來美化本國緩慢的經濟增長速度。

The wily dwarves have arranged a settlement with the thieves guild : they grant asylum to the guild ' s members , while the thieves , in their turn , share some information 詭譎的矮人與盜賊工會達成協議:他們給予工會成員庇護,而盜賊們貢獻一些情報作為回報。

It seems clear the former porto chief has no intention of becoming embroiled in mind games and feeling any pressure exerted from wily united manager sir alex ferguson 很顯然前波爾圖教練無意卷入心理戰當中,對曼聯主帥弗格森的言論穆里尼奧顯得毫無壓力。

And the coxswain , israel hands , was a careful , wily , old , experienced seaman , who could be trusted at a pinch with almost anything 而舵手伊斯萊爾漢茲,是個細心的足智多謀的老練的。經驗豐富的水手,在緊要時刻,幾乎任何事情都可以放心地交給他做。

Once upon a time there was a clever , wily peasant , whose tricks could be much talked about 從前有位遠見卓識、機智聰明的農夫,有關他足智多謀的故事至今人們仍廣為傳頌。

These despised themselves , as being the dupes of a wily fraud , a guileful snake in the grass 校長給湯姆發獎的時候,為了應付這種場合,他盡量找出一些贊美表揚的話來說。

He seizes the wise in their own craftiness , and the counsel of the wily is brought to a sudden end 13 ?叫智慧人中了自己的詭計,使狡詐人的計謀速速破滅。

We tried to pin him down for a definite answer , but he was too wily for us 我們想迫使他給我們一個確定的回答,但是他對我們來說太滑頭了。

This guy ' s a wily one 這家伙是老手