
wilton n.威爾頓〔姓氏,男子名〕。

wilton carpet

Judges of the competition included mr . wilton chau , managing partner , qleap asia ltd . ; mr . david chung , senior manager , hong kong cyberport management co . ltd . ; mr . peter c . hung , vice president of corporate planning and development , new world telecommunications ltd . ; ms . jessica jook , director , crosby asset management ltd . and mr . andrew smyth , head of corporate affairs , the opportune organisation 是次比賽評判包括進躍亞洲有限公司總經理周志偉先生、香港數碼港管理有限公司高級經理鍾偉強先生、新世界電訊有限公司副總裁業務策劃及拓展洪秋偉先生、高誠資產管理(香港)有限公司董事祝佩嫻小姐及the opportune organisation , head of corporate affairs , mr . andrew smyth 。

Our factory spent a lager sum of money to import the advanced equipment and high technology from belgium , and the colorful jacquard wilton carpets we made has the charm of ancient orient as well as other advantages that meet the needs of our modern life , such as brilliant colors , wear resistance , sound and moisture insulation , warm keeping , shook absorption and so on 本廠投巨資從比利時引進具備國際先進水準的設備與制造工藝,生產出的五色提花威爾頓地毯獨具古典東方魅力,同時形成色澤鮮艷、耐磨、隔音、隔潮、防寒保溫、減震保健等迎合現代時尚生活的產品特色。

But when they went to a home in wilton they found room after room filled with ceramic , macrame and plush owls , owls on beer steins and on towels , owl necklaces , owl statues , owl wind chimes , owl greeting cards . even a blue toilet seat with a green owl painted under the lid 小屋內到處擺滿了陶器布和毛絨制品的貓頭鷹,還有繪有貓頭鷹圖案的家具和毛巾,以及貓頭鷹項鏈塑像玩具和賀卡等,甚至連屋內的馬桶蓋上也畫了一只貓頭鷹。

The rao - wilton - glisson basis function based on triangular patches is used in the moment method . a junction basis function based on triangular patches is adopted to deal with the key problem of the junction between the wire and patches 在使用矩量法的過程中,采用基于三角面元的rwg電流基函數;對于線天線和面元間的連接這個關鍵問題,采用了一種連接處基函數。

But when they went to a home in wilton they found room after room filled with ceramic , macrame and plush owls , owls on beer steins and on towels , owl necklaces , owl statues , owl wind chimes , owl greeting cards 然而,當他們按照廣告上的地址來到威爾頓的一間小屋看貨時,眼前的情景簡直讓他們“嘆為觀止” 。小屋內到處擺滿了陶器布和制品的貓頭鷹,還有繪有貓頭鷹

Of the wilton public - gregg 會員資格的

Gift to allow for restorations to continue at wilton library 禮物卡片為從cardservice解脫國際,它的信用卡處理器

Wilton ellsworth was an artist in spirit . 威爾頓愛爾華斯天生是一個藝術家。