
wilson n.威爾遜〔姓氏,男子名〕。

wilson chamber

Men followed wilson because he was determined to fulfill party pledges and to act for the good of the country . 人們追隨威爾遜,因為他決心履行黨的誓言,并為國家謀福利。

He had seen woodrow wilson destroyed by congress's rejection of the league in 1919 . 他曾親眼目睹伍德羅威爾遜就是因為國會在1919年拒絕他有關國聯的主張,才遭滅頂之災。

A number of tory mps began to say out loud that sir alec's image was not the right one to counter wilson . 有些保守黨議員公開說,亞歷克爵士的形象不能同威爾遜相匹敵。

G. wilson knight, emeritus professor at the university of leeds, has had a long and prolific career as a critic . 奈特是里茲大學名譽教授,作為一個評論家,資歷頗深。

Wilson certainly and house probably thought of armed intervention only as a last, desperate resort . 威爾遜肯定認為,豪斯則也許認為,武裝干涉只是最后不得已的辦法。

Wilson and perhaps a majority of thoughtful americans realized this fact in 1919 and 1920 . 威爾遜,也許還有大多數有思想的美國人,在1919與1920年時認識到這一事實。

Come, mary, don't be so innocent. is miss alice wilson alive, then, will that please you ? 哎,瑪麗,別跟我裝傻。愛麗思威爾遜小姐還活著嗎?你現在該樂意了吧?

However diligently wilson practised, the slang phrase sounded unnaturally on his lips . 雖然威爾遜極力摹仿,當地人慣用的一些詞語在他嘴里說得還是很不自然。

Wilson looked angry: “goldstein, you're chicken, that's what you are. “ 威爾遜一副憤憤然的樣子:“戈爾斯坦,你這小子沒有‘種’,說穿了就是這么回事。”

Wilson hesitated because of personal revulsion against huerta and his “government of butcher “ 威爾遜猶豫不定,因為他個人討厭厄塔及其“屠夫政府”。

Wilson lashed out at roosevelt's proposals for social legislation and control of corporations . 威爾遜痛斥羅斯福社會立法和控制大公司的建議。

Wilson acted with customary boldness in this great challenge to his leadership . 威爾遜在這次對他領導的重大挑戰中,以其慣有的大膽采取行動。

Wilson regarded the case of the twins as desperate in fact, about hopeless . 威爾遜認為那兩兄弟的案子已經無可挽救--事實上大概是毫無希望了。

General wilson was eager for a swift action, but his command had been stripped . 威爾遜將軍渴望能夠迅速采取行動,但是他的部隊已被抽調一空。

The campaign, however, soon turned into a verbal duel between roosevelt and wilson . 可是,競選很快變成羅斯福與威爾遜之間的一場舌戰。

The boys' refrain came faintly up to wilson like a nursery rhyme . 小孩們像唱兒歌似地反復喊著一句話,隱隱約約地傳進威爾遜的耳朵里。

“if there were clear evidence,“ wilson said, “would the police prosecute? “ “如果證據確鑿,”威爾遜說,“警察局會不會檢舉?”

Red and wilson and one or two of the others had recognized his change . 雷德、威爾遜還有另外一兩個弟兄,早已看出了他的變化。

I understand her son harry is enrolled in one of your courses at wilson . 我知道,她的兒子哈里在威爾遜大學讀您開的一門課。