
wilma n.威爾瑪〔女子名〕。


Stiff breezes thwarted repeated efforts to set the flags ablaze with a blowtorch until an emergency management official doused the flags with rum . hurricane wilma flooded about 3 , 700 of the island ' s 15 , 000 residences with a foot or more of water in october and the resort island off the southern tip of florida was also brushed by hurricanes dennis , rita and katrina 據路透社12月1日報道,基韋斯特島是位于美國佛羅里達州最南端外海上的一個旅游度假勝地,在今年10月份,威爾瑪颶風使得該島1 . 5萬所住房中的3700所被淹,屋內水深達到了1英尺以上。

The national weather service says wilma is now a category two hurricane , but is advising people in the storm ' s path not to venture outside during the relative calm of the eye of the storm 美國國家氣象局說,維爾瑪颶風現已降為2級颶風,但是告誡在颶風所經之處的民眾不要在颶風風眼經過時的相對平靜階段出來活動。

1 hurricane wilma menaces cuba and centre america and visitors are ordered out of the florida keys as wilma briefly explodes into the most intense atlantic hurricane on record 颶風威爾馬威脅古巴和拉丁美洲,威爾馬暫時暴發成為大西洋颶風史上最強勁的風暴,美國佛羅里達群島地區觀光客被要求撤離。

Floridians line up for water , gas , ice and generators outside the few stores opened after hurricane wilma cuts a costly deadly swath across the peninsula 在威爾瑪颶風橫掃整個佛羅里達半島過后,佛羅里達居民在少數幾個還營業的商店外排隊購買飲用水,汽油,冰塊和發電機。

Floridians line up for water , gas , ice and generators outside the few stores open after hurricane wilma cuts a costly deadly swath across the peninsula 在威爾瑪颶風橫掃整個佛羅里達半島過后,佛羅里達居民在少數幾個還營業的商店外排隊購買飲用水,汽油,冰塊和發電機。

Hurricane wilma ' s outer edge batters beaches in cancun mexico as tourists are ordered to leave and thousands are evacuated from honduras to the florida keys 墨西哥卡庫海灘地區受到威爾瑪颶風外圍的猛烈襲擊,洪都拉斯到佛羅里達島礁上的游客和數千名當地居民被要求撤離

Wilma is the eighth hurricane to strike florida in the past 14 months . the storm is moving quickly and should move out into the atlantic later today 維爾瑪是過去14個月來襲擊佛羅里達的第8場颶風。風暴移動迅速,預計星期一晚些時候離開佛羅里達州,進入大西洋。

1 hurricane wilma plows ashore as a category 3 storm battering southern florida with tornados , high winds and pounding waves 颶風威爾瑪在佛羅里達州南部海岸強勁登陸,登陸時強度為三級。當地受到狂風巨浪的猛烈襲擊,同時伴有龍卷風出現。

It sounded like truck gears grinding . wilma peered out the window . “ harold , there ' s a tow truck unhooking a car in our lot 聽起來想卡車馬達發動的聲音。威爾瑪從窗戶探出頭來。 “哈羅德,有輛救援車在咱們的租借處卸下輛轎車。 ”

Hurricane wilma churns toward florida as tens of thousands of residents are ordered to evacuate vulnerable islands and coastal areas 颶風威爾瑪以兇猛之勢直奔佛羅里達,當地數萬名居民已被要求從易受颶風襲擊的地區撤離。

Hurricane wilma is crossing florida with high winds and heavy rain that have already caused flooding and a loss of power in many areas 維爾瑪颶風帶狂風暴雨經過佛羅里達州,在很多地方造成水淹和電力中斷。

Life has been pretty good to wilma and me . we live in a nice little town in the middle of almost nowhere 生活對我和威爾瑪很不錯。我們住在一個可心的小鎮,前不著村,后不著店。

Mulder : hey , who did you identify with when you were a kid ? wilma or betty 穆德:嘿,你小時候對誰認同?威瑪還是貝蒂?

Ms cheung suk - luen wilma , senior immigration officer 張淑媛女士,高級入境事務主任

Wilma was bouncing the ball around under the basket . 威爾瑪正在籃下來回運球。