
william n.威廉〔男子名〕。


William expected to be at the job for another six months and noted that “if they played their cards right“ ron would be his successor . 威廉希望在這個位置上再待六個月,并暗示,“如果他們的牌打得好”,羅恩將是他的繼承人。

Directly on the shore of the lake, and nearer to its western than to its eastern margin, lay the extensive earthen ramparts and low buildings of william henry . 在這湖岸偏西一帶,散布著威廉享利的土筑壁壘和低矮的建筑。

The green carpet, in the pattern of which pale rabbits frolicked among leafy trees, suggested the influence of william morris . 地毯也是綠顏色的,地毯上白色小兔在濃郁樹蔭中嬉戲的圖畫使人想到是受了威廉莫利斯的影響。

It also gave william of orange the opportunity to slip across the channel and replace the discredited james ii on the english throne . 而且還使奧倫活的威廉趁機溜過英吉利海峽,取代聲譽掃地的詹姆斯二世,登上英國王位。

Until adversity and tragedy befell him in middle age, william holden bell had lived a reasonably successful and happy life . 威廉霍爾頓貝爾在生活和事業上一直相當心滿意足,不料到了中年,卻時去運衰,屢遭不幸。

The philadelphia quaker and botanist william bartram (17391823) likewise wrote of america europeans liked to hear of . 費城的教友派教徒和植物學家威廉巴特蘭姆(17391823)筆下的美國,也是歐洲人喜歡聽的。

He and jacqueline had a house at cannes in the late fifties with william douglas-home, the playwright, and his wife . 在五十年代末期,他和杰硅琳在夏納同劇作家威廉道格拉斯-霍姆和他的妻子合住一幢房子。

In men like william byrd and mather byles there was evidently the typical provincial yearning for london and all its glories . 象威廉伯德和馬瑟拜爾斯等,明明是典型的本地人,卻渴望倫敦及其一切繁華。

After three years' expectation that things would mend, i accepted an advantageous offer from captain william prichard . 這樣過了三年,時來運轉已經絕望,我于是接受了威廉普利查船長的優厚待遇的聘請。

He had a year before assigned colonel william k. harrison to investigate its organizational weaknesses and search out a remedy for them . 一年前他就指派哈立遜上校,研究組織上的弱點,并尋求改進方法。

He has said to her, on the very last morning, that he hoped she might see william again in the course of the ensuing winter . 就在臨別的那天早上,他還對她說,他希望在即將到來的冬季她能夠再見威廉。

A civilian administration, headed by william howard taft as civil governor, supplanted military rule on july 4, 1901 . 1901年7月4日軍事統治為由民政總督威廉霍華德塔夫脫為首的文官政府所取代。

On the second boy's violently pinching one of the same lady's fingers, she fondly observed, “how playful william is! “ 當她的第二個孩子用力猛捏那位小姐的手指時,她天真地說:“威廉真頑皮!”

In 1840 sir william congreve, an english artillery captain, began some notable experiments with rockets . 1804年,威廉康格利夫爵士,一位英國炮兵上尉,對火箭開始了一些令人注目的實驗。

William ellery channing wrote, “men, it is justly said, can do jointly what they cannot do singly. “ 威廉艾勒立錢寧寫道:“公平而論;人聯合起來能做雙手做不到的事。”

More than anything else i ever wanted, i want to marry hannah ward. but i can't pay william ward's debts . 跟罕娜華德結婚是我最大的愿望,但是我還不起威廉華德的債。

At that time, the reputation of william a. pinkerton, of detective fame, and of his agency was great . 在當時,威廉阿平克頓作為偵探和他的事務所,是聲譽卓著的。

At nine o'clock the venerable diagnostician dr. william tick declared this meeting of the x club in session . 九點整,年高德劭的診斷專家提克醫生宣布愛克斯社開會。

She found it advisable to go with edgar atheling to meet william and offer him the crown . 她發現這是可取的,即和埃德加阿塞林一起去迎接威廉,并把王冠奉獻給他。