
will n.威爾〔男子名, William 的昵稱〕。


You will need an injection every four hours . 你要每隔四小時打一針。

It will be your words that send him out . 要由你來下令把他送去槍斃。

Jones will be missing from the team line-up . 球隊陣容中將沒有瓊斯。

Buck up or we will miss the train . 快點兒,不然我們就趕不上火車了。

I guarantee that he will come on time . 我敢打包票,他一定會準時來。

In the end she will understand his feelings . 她終究會了解他的感情。

Double-dealers will come to no good end . 耍兩面派終歸不會有好下場。

Goods of that quality will never sell . 這樣質量的商品絕對售不出去。

Yes , dear , i will write to mother . 是的,親愛的,我要給媽媽寫信。

Will the next witness please take the stand ? 請下一位證人出庭作證。

You will have to compensate us for the loss . 你必須賠償我們的損失。

There will be a proper row about it . 這個事情要引起一場大亂子來的。

He will assist you to complete the task . 這項任務由他輔助你去完成。

But the art of his lyrics will endure . 但他的抒情詩藝術將永世長存。

This topic will be addressed in chapter 2 . 這個課題安排在第二章中。

The candidate will take an oral examination . 那個應試者將參加口試。

That much will be enough to do his business ... 那就足夠要他的命了。

You shall have some part of your will . 你可以得到你所希冀的一部分。

That motorbike will be the death of you . 那輛摩托車就會要了你的命。