
wilful adj.1.任性的;固執的。2.故意的。短語和例子wil...


This text more and more psychological problems such as envy , wilful , unsociable and eccentricking , against returning to psychology and even committing suicide , crime , etc . to teenagers student , adopt new student carry on psychological general survey , set up student psychological consultation room , good sports study psychology person who educate method and means when entering school , improve all students ' psychological quality , develop its psychological latent energy , strengthen adaptive capacity , prevent , rescue student psychological problem behavior , facilitate student in life take care of oneself , examine oneself , automatic control at the psychology from law , appraisal in the action , emotion happy , promote perfecting development of student ' s personality finally 本文針對青少年學生越來越多的心理問題如嫉妒、任性、孤僻、逆返心理乃至自殺、犯罪等,采用新生入學時進行心理普測、設立學生心理咨詢室、良好的體育學習心理教育等方法和手段,提高全體學生的心理素質,開發其心理潛能,增強適應能力,預防、矯治學生心理問題行為,促成學生生活上自理、行動上自律、評價上自省、心態上自控、情感上自悅,最終促進學生人格的健全發展。

A relevant officer from the supreme people ' s court expressed that this will kurb the wilful decision of the judges when giving notices of re - arbitration , and also inform the arbitration tribunal why an re - arbitration is needed so as to make sure that the re - arbitration really helps for the solution of the problems 最高人民法院有關負責人表示,這有利于避免法官通知重新仲裁中的隨意性,也有利于讓仲裁庭明白為何要進行重新仲裁,確保重新仲裁能夠解決問題。

Furthermore , the defendant may avail himself of the defence that the pollution damage resulted from the wilful misconduct of the owner himself , but the defendant shall not avail himself of any other defence which he might have been entitled to invoke in proceedings brought by the owner against him 除此以外,被告人可以針對由于船舶所有人的有意的不當行為所造成油污損害援用抗辯權,但不得提出他有權在船舶所有人向他提出的訴訟中所援引的答辯。

If only one party has acted wilfully , the wilful party shall restore to the other party the property it has acquired from the latter ; the party that has not acted wilfully shall turn over to the state treasury and property it has acquired from the other party or is due to acquire by mutual agreement 如果只有一方是故意的,故意的一方應將從對方取得的財產返回對方;非故意的一方已經從對方取得或約定取得的財產,應收歸國庫所有。

In the event of the occurrence of an incident which causes damage or loss involving death , bodily injury , the fifa and or cfa may only be liable if any of its authorized representatives or agents caused such damage or loss through their negligence or wilful intent 在出現事故并且造成包括死亡及身體傷害的損害的情況下,國際足聯和或中國足協僅可在由于其授權代表或代理人的疏忽或故意造成該等損害的情形下承擔責任。

This man , whose clay was so plastic that he could live in any number of pigeonholes of human existence , she thought wilful and most obstinate because she could not shape him to live in her pigeonhole , which was the only one she knew 其實造成這個人的原料彈性是很大的,凡是人類能生存的鴿子籠里他都能生存,可她卻認為他頑固,因為她無法把他塑造得能在她的那個鴿子籠果生存,而那是她所知道的唯一鴿子籠。

In the days that swiftly followed she was no longer herself but a strange , puzzling creature , wilful over judgment and scornful of self - analysis , refusing to peer into the future or to think about herself and whither she was drifting 在隨后的匆匆逝去的日子里她已經不再是自己,而成了一個滿肚子狐疑的陌生人。看問題執拗,瞧不起自我分析,不肯看向未來,不肯考慮自己,也不管自己在往哪兒漂流。

The customer shall bear all risks arising from any telephone or telefax communication with the bank , which is discharged from any responsibility in respect thereof apart from risks arising from its own wilful default or negligence 客戶將承擔因與本行之任何電話或電傳通訊所產生之所有風險,本行概不就此負上責任,但因本行之故意失責或疏忽所產生之風險則除外。

Accordingly , save in the event of gross negligence or wilful misconduct of ourselves and our agentes , we will not be liable for any damages resulting from errors , omissions or non - compliance of the information set forth herein 因此,如果是由于我們自己或我們代理操作疏忽或操作不當,或不遵照這些信息執行,我們將沒有義務承擔由此錯誤而造成的損害。

I , having vainly begged the wilful girl to rise and remove her wet things , left him preaching and her shivering , and betook myself to bed with little hareton , who slept as fast as if everyone had been sleeping round him 我求這執拗的姑娘站起來換掉她的濕衣服,卻是白費勁,只好走開,任她祈禱,任她發抖,我自己就帶著哈里頓睡覺去了。

He has but one fault , he is somewhat wilful ; but really , on referring for the moment to what he said , do you truly believe that mithridates used these precautions , and that these precautions were efficacious ? 他只有一個缺點,就是有點任性,至于他剛才所講的,您真相信米沙里旦司用過那種預防劑,而且那種預防劑的確很有效嗎? ”

Sadly there are those who , either through ignorance of the facts or wilful foolishness , deny that god exists , and therefore did not create the heavens and earth , and mankind upon the earth 否認神的存在是愚蠢的行為有一些人,不論他們是出于剛愎的愚蠢或是忽略了這些事實,他們否認神的存在,否認神創造了天和地,創造了人類。

And though he did find evidence of isolated cases of rape , inhuman treatment and “ wilful killing ” of civilians , they were not sufficiently widespread to meet the threshold of gravity required 最后,他的確發現數起個案針對平民的強奸、非人道待遇和“故意謀殺”并找到證據,但這些情況并未蔓延到需要給予嚴重關注的地步。

Offences which do not involve any wilful intent to evade tax are generally dealt with administratively by the imposition of monetary penalties in the form of additional tax under section 82a of the iro 根據《稅務條例》第82a條的規定,以補加稅方式徵收行政罰款的處理方法,一般適用于不涉及蓄意意圖逃稅的違例事項。

The ioe reserves the right to terminate these arrangements in the event of any breach of the above requirements or any wilful misconduct which we consider brings the ioe into disrepute 如果發生任何違反上述要求的情況或任何我們認為會破壞埃克斯波特學院名聲的不當行為時,埃克斯波特學院保留終止這些約定的權利。

Operators of dolphin watching activities have to observe the wild animals protection ordinance ( cap . 170 ) which provides that it is an offence to cause wilful disturbance to dolphins (一)觀豚活動的營辦者必須遵守《野生動物保護條例》 (第170章)的規定,該條例訂明任何人如故意對海豚造成干擾,即屬違法。

I declare that the information given above is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief , and i understand that any wilful mis - statement will render myself liable to immediate dismissal , if engaged 本人特此聲明上述資料正確無訛,并明白任何故意之虛報聲明將會導致本人被即時解雇。

This limitation of liability shall be applicable only to the extent permitted by law in the event of the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of ups or in the event of personal injury or death 若ups有重大疏失或故意瀆職,或發生人身傷害或死亡,此項責任限制僅于法律許可的范圍內適用。

The bank shall not be liable or accountable for any act or omission of any such brokers , dealers or agents except if the same was negligent or in the case of wilful default 本行亦不須就該等經紀交易商或代理之任何行為或遺漏負上法律責任或義務,除非上述人士有疏忽或故意失責。