
wildebeest n.【動物;動物學】角馬。


Biologist and explorer mike fay calls mala mala the “ ferrari of game reserves “ for its posh , safari - retro accommodations , lush grounds , top - notch management , and abundant wildlife , including lions , leopards , elephants , rhinos , wildebeests , impalas , and giraffes 生物學家及探險家麥克菲稱贊瑪拉瑪拉是“野生動物保護區中的法拉利” ,因為這里有著豪華的探險風格住所,郁郁蔥蔥的大地,一流的管理,還有大量的野生動物- -獅子,花豹,大象,犀牛,角馬,羚羊和長頸鹿。

The golden kalahari sands and the unspoiled arid environment make the reserve spectacular . it supports a wide variety of african antelopes including wildebeest , eland , gemsbok , kudu , red hartebeest and springbok , giraffe , lion , cheetah , leopard , wild dog and brown hyena 這里生活著各種各樣的非洲羚羊,有黑尾牛羚、南非大羚羊、大羚羊、紕角羚、紅麋羚和跳羚、長頸鹿、獅子、獵豹、美洲豹、野狗和棕鬣狗。

Established as a national park in 1974 , the 151 - square - mile ( 392 - square - kilometer ) park at the foot of mount kilimanjaro in southwest kenya is home to more than 450 animal species , including elephants , wildebeests , cranes , and egrets 于1974年作為國家公園建立后,這個位于肯尼亞西南乞立馬扎羅山腳的面積151平方英里( 392平方公里)的公園就成為了超過450種包括大象、野獸、鶴、白鷺等動物的家園。

Imagine a giant net being dragged along the plains of the serengeti , scooping up all wildlife in its path lions , cheetahs and elephants , vast herds of wildebeest and zebra , as well as countless smaller creatures unable to escape through the mesh 試想像一個巨網在非洲的平原上拖行,巨網所到之處,把所有有生命的東西,獅子獵豹大象牛羚和斑馬等,以至無數細小生物均一并卷走。

Packs of hungry lions , flocks of devious vultures , epic herds of wildebeests and more fill ecosystems that players create and control . discover hidden content and unlock tons of animal themed poetry as you strive to become a wildlife tycoon 游戲的所有場景都是在非洲大陸,一望無際的草原蔚藍的天空熱帶植物充滿生氣的野生動物,幾乎看不到任何人為景觀,一切都是那么的原始。

I didn ' t come to liuwa plain national park in zambia to photograph wildebeests . but on this dusty june evening , i couldn ' t resist the sight of their stutter - stepping , head - shaking runs 我沒有去贊比亞的流花平原國家公園去拍攝黑尾牛羚。但當我在那個塵埃漫天的六月傍晚聽到它們奔跑的蹄聲,看到它們奔跑的姿態時,我無法拒絕這一場景。

If you ' re lucky , you might witness the incredible spectacle of a mass wildebeest migration or catch a glimpse of the plains ' dwindling elephant and rhino populations , which have sadly been decimated by poachers 幸運的話,你還能目睹野生動物大批遷徒的壯觀景象,欣賞原野上由于被偷獵者大量捕殺而日漸減少的大象群、犀牛群。

There are plenty of wild animals , which include wildebeest , eland , hartebeest , gemsbok and springbok . super predators like lion , leopard , cheetah and hyena can also be viewed 這里有很多野生動物,黑尾牛羚、大角斑羚、麋羚、大羚羊和跳羚處處可見,還有獅子、美洲豹、獵豹和鬣狗等大型食肉動物。

The sanctuary provides excellent viewing opportunities for rhinos and many other types of wildlife including zebra , wildebeest , heartbeest , gemsbok , leopard , brown hyena and jackal 保護區提供了觀賞犀牛,還有斑馬、黑尾牛羚、麋羚、大羚羊、美洲豹、棕鬣狗和胡狼等野生動物的絕好機會。

Over four hundred thousand visitors a year come to see zebra , elephant , gazelle , lion and millions of wildebeest run wild 這里每年有超過40萬游客來這里看斑馬、大象、瞪羚、獅子及數百萬的非洲野生牛羚在原野狂奔。

Unless it ' s provoked , a lion ' s leisure is usually only interrupted by the hunt for food - - most often , a zebra or wildebeest 除非遭到挑釁,獅子的悠閑生活只有在獵食時才會暫時中斷? ?通常,是捕食斑馬或角馬。

The park is the home to thousands of wildebeest , zebra and gemsbok , especially around the nxai pan area 這里,尤其是納賽鹽沼地區周圍,是數以千計的黑尾牛羚、斑馬和大羚羊的棲息之地。

Yeah ? you ' re hunting wildebeests 是嗎?獵野獸?

Hen : you ' re welcome , mrs . wildebeest 不用客氣,角馬太太!

And she moaned like a wildebeest 她叫床的聲音簡直就像一只羚羊

Hen : no . not even if they ' re wildebeest 是的,即使是角馬他們也不會吃的。

A captive wildebeest calf was inoculated with virulent bovine blood . 把活捉到的一頭犢角馬用有毒力的牛血液進行了接種。