
wilda n.威爾達〔女子名, Willa 的昵稱〕。


One exciting remark i wanted to make is , our editor k . lui , with the help of his friend wilda wong and kima s president jongsuk lee , managed to conduct an exclusive interview with promising actor director ryu seung - wan dir : no blood no tears , die bad 蒙太奇montage這個詞語有幾個意思。最普遍的就是只電影的剪接。電影剪接分很多種類,有直線式的連續式跳接不連續式。

The interview was conducted in english by our guest interviewer wilda wong , while the questions were constructed by me . i also acted as the photographer during the interview 由于我們不懂韓語,是次訪問我們以英語發問問題,再由在場的kimkyu - hyun教授為我們作傳繹。

The interview was conducted in english by our guest interviewer wilda wong , while the questions were constructed by me . i also acted as the photographer during the interview 由于我們不懂韓語,是次訪問我們以英語發問問題,再由在場的kim kyu - hyun教授為我們作傳繹。

Wilda wong , my friend , for being our guest interviewer Wildawong ,我們的客席主持人kima的員工