
wife n.(pl. wives )1.妻。2.〔古語〕女人,鄉...


His wife is a frugal housekeeper . 他的妻子是個節儉的好管家。

His wife told him not to go off at halfcock . 他的妻子告訴他不要倉促行事。

For a week he was attentive to his wife . 在一個星期里面,他對妻子很殷勤。

Mcteague and his wife exchanged looks . 麥克梯格和他的老婆交換了一下眼色。

His wife is a thrifty housekeeper . 他的妻子是個節儉的好管家。

His wife gave birth to twin girls . 他妻子生了一對雙胞胎女孩。

My wife had a baby early this morning . 今天凌晨,我妻子分娩。

His wife went mad after he was dead . 他死了以后,他太太瘋了。

I owe a lot to my wife and children . 我很感激我的妻子和孩子。

She did not feel at all sorry for the giant's wife . 她一點也不同情妖婆。

He is far away from home and wife and children . 他遠離家鄉、妻子和兒女。

He never got over the shock of losing his wife . 他失去妻子后便一蹶不振。

He commissioned a statue of his wife . 他請人制作他妻子的雕像。

Man and wife entered into a solemn compact . 夫妻二人訂了一個莊嚴的契約。

Your wife is really quite impossible . 你的妻子真叫人無法忍受。

He spoke to his wife absent-mindedly . 他心不在焉地跟太太說話。

Wilson has been complaining about his wife . 威爾遜一味在數說老婆的不是。

His affections were turned from his wife . 他對妻子的愛轉移了。

He left his wife for one of his students . 他拋棄妻子去追求他的一個學生。