
wicked adj.1.邪惡的;不道德的;惡劣的。2.惡意的;頑皮的...


Kill bill is totally wicked , i was blown away 殺死比爾太酷了,我佩服得五體投地。

He is so wicked , i don ' t believe in him at all 他是如此之壞,我根本就不信任他。

He started to complain about this wicked world 他開始對這個邪惡的世界發牢騷了。

And this wicked world will slowly but surely become 這個邪惡的世界一定會逐漸變為

Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation 這邪惡的世代、也要如此。

Some may be wicked , and some may be despicable 也許有些人很可惡,有些人很卑鄙。

That story about her is nothing but wicked slander 關于她的傳聞純屬惡意誹謗!

They too became disobedient to god and wicked 他們自己也違抗了神,也變得邪惡。

He ' s too wicked not to meet a bad end some day 他太壞了,總有一天會得到惡報的。

But she didn ' t know that wolf was a wicked animal 但她不知道狼是很惡毒的野獸。

He was a boy born to be quite wicked who was being very good and he carried his wickedness around with him transmuted into a sort of teasing gaiety . 他是個淘氣星轉世,天生一身搗亂本領,但他表現不錯,將他的淘氣只用來逗個笑、開個心,嘻嘻哈哈樂上一番而已。

I had terrible reflections upon my mind for many months, as i have already observed, on the account of my wicked and hardened life past . 正如前面所說,一連幾個月,我心里進行著可怕的思想斗爭,反省著過去的無動于衷的罪惡生活。

“then you are the wicked cause of my sister's ruin?“ said jeanie, with a natural touch of indignation expressed in her tone of voice . “那么你就是使我妹妹失足的壞東西了?”珍妮說,理所當然地帶著憤怒的口吻。

If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust, the wicked people would have it all their own way . 要是大伙兒對殘暴的人都一味和氣,一味順從,那壞人可就要由著性兒胡作非為了。

It was wicked to let a young girl blindly decide her fate in that way, without any effort to save her . 讓一個女孩子盲目地決定自己的命運,走上這條道路,卻袖手旁觀,不設法挽救她,這實在太豈有此理了。

Toil-worn women grew furious as they thought of the wicked socialists who were trying to bring ruin upon them . 勞累不堪的婦女們,一想到那些惡毒的社會黨人要給她們帶來毀滅,就感到怒不可遏。

The laws of men or the laws of religion have no longer sufficient power to check depravity of manners and the triumph of the wicked . 人類的法律和宗教的規條已無力阻止道德淪落、邪惡得逞。

The wicked out of hell praise thee, because you have shown them that the fire that is not quenched is a holy fire . 從地獄里出來的惡人贊頌你,因為你向他們指明了:圣潔的火是永遠撲不滅的。

I have had more than ordinary secret assistance from the grace of god, if i did not turn as wicked again as ever . 假使我要不變得像以前那樣放蕩,那卻需要上帝暗中特別的幫助。