
whop vt.(-pp-) 〔口語〕(鞭)打;打敗,打垮。n.〔...


The pressure generated at the moment of collision is truly immense , a whopping 1030 times atmospheric pressure , and the temperature inside the fireball soars into the trillions of degrees 此外,在碰撞的瞬間產生的壓力十分驚人,高達1030大氣壓左右,而火球內部的溫度,也會飆高到好幾兆。

It runs out that jerry ' s stories of his exploits as a fighter pilot in the raf during the last war are a whopping great lie ? he was really a cook in the infantry 杰里說他在上次戰爭中是一名皇家空軍的戰斗機駕駛員,而且還立下了卓著功勛其實是天大的謊言? ?當時他是步兵部隊中的一個炊事員。

It was slow going at halftime - - 46 - 45 , bulls - - and then the lakers lit up , taking the second half by a whopping 61 - 32 advantage in front of an appreciative staples center crowd 在半場結束時,公牛還以46 - 45領先。但是在斯臺普斯的球迷面前,湖人爆發了,下半場取得61 - 32的比分。

France was fined a whopping euro20m ( $ 24m ) by the european court of justice for repeatedly ignoring fisheries rules stopping the catching of under - sized fish 法國因為屢次違反漁業禁令,縱容漁民捕捉體積細小的魚類而被歐洲審判法院罰款2千萬歐元(相當于2千4百萬美元) 。

Some $ 2 trillion of deals have been unveiled so far this year , putting it on track to smash the record set in 2006 by a whopping 60 % or more 從年初到現在,已有價值約為兩萬億美圓的交易被揭開了面紗,使其有希望以多達60 %或者更高的比例來打破于2006年創下的交易記錄。

Pennsylvania restaurant that lost its crown as home of the world ' s biggest hamburger earlier this year now offers a new one that weighs a whopping 6 . 75 kilograms 今年稍早失去全球最大漢堡大本營榮耀的一家賓州餐廳,現在推出一客重量高達六.七五公斤的新漢堡。

The newest laker has been told to quickly digest the complex triangle offense , which once took a whopping 320 pages for tex winter to examine in a book 教練告訴這位新的湖人隊員要很快地領悟那復雜的三角進攻,而這個戰術特克斯-溫特用了多達320頁紙才寫得下。

Nevada is an attractive place to live for a lot of people . it grew by a whopping 66 percent from 1990 to 2000 - - the fastest of any state 對許多人來說,內華達州是一個充滿吸引力的居住地。自1990年至2000年間,它的成長率是高達66 % ,是美國境內成長最快的州。

It s also much more compact , with the run - time jar weighing in at only 33k versus 310k for javassist and a whopping 504k for bcel Asm在結構上更加緊湊,使用的運行時jar大小僅為33k (對比之下, javassist的大小為310k , bcel的大小更為驚人,為504k ) 。

The biggest winner ever was walt disney , who picked up a whopping 26 oscars from 64 nominations , plus another six special trophies 沃爾特.迪斯尼是奧斯卡歷史上的最大贏家,他們共有64個作品獲得題名,其中26個獲得了奧斯卡獎,外加另外6個特別獎項。

The yet - to - be - named male giraffe was born at the zoo august 17 , coming in at a whopping 6 feet 4 inches tall and 158 pounds , and growing 這頭尚未取名的雄性長頸鹿8月17日在該動物園出生,出生時個頭巨大,高6英尺4英寸,體重158磅,而且還在長高。

As for the chemistry behind whopping hair , well , you ' d better know the answer if you want to get into two of the world ' s top universities 但如果你想進入上述這兩所頂尖級學校中學習,那么你最好能知道在一頭蓬亂的燙發后面所隱藏的某些化學問題。

The yet - to - be - named male giraffe was born at the zoo august 17 , coming in at a whopping 6 feet 4 inches tall and 158 pounds , and growing 這只還沒有命名的雄性長頸鹿是8月17日在動物園出生,出生時居然就有6英尺4英寸, 158磅重,并且還在成長中。

The yet - to - be - named male giraffe was born at the zoo august 17 , coming in at a whopping 6 feet 4 inches tall and 158 pounds , and growing 這只還未命名的雄性長頸鹿在八月十七號出生在動物園中,它高達六英尺四英寸,重158磅,它仍在繼續生長。

It gives + 20 to your fishing skill , as well as a whopping + 52 stamina . this is gonna be great for the alliance who can ' t get the nat pagle ' s + 25 pole 20釣魚技能, + 52耐力,對于不能拿到惡齒村任務獎勵的+ 25技能的魚竿的聯盟來說太棒了。

He used to tell whopping great fibs about his past life , all of them designed to demonstrate what a wonderful , brave and brilliant person he was 他慣于扯些有關自己過往的彌天大謊,他撒的謊全是想表現出他有多了不起多勇敢多有才能。

“ isn ' t he whopping ! “ they exclaimed to each other . one frog then said : “ it would take hundreds of frogs like us to make one of him ! 他非常巨大! ”青蛙們互相驚叫到。一個青蛙然后說: “可能上百只想我們這樣的青蛙只能抵上他一個! ”

A whopping 80 percent believe that real estate prices would continue to rise this year , and 30 percent fear it would do so at a greater pace 高達80 %的受訪者認為今年的房價還會繼續攀升, 30 %的人擔心今年的漲幅將會更大。

Besides , the demand for this year ' s edition was off the charts - - a whopping eight readers e - mailed me over the past week wondering where it was 雖然對今年新版的需求有點寒,上周只有可憐的8個讀者來信問俺新版在哪里。