
whoop int.喝!嗬!〔歡喜聲、興奮聲〕。n.1.高呼;吶喊。...


In july , the number of notifications of whooping cough was 3 七月份,百日咳的呈報個案有3宗。

In june , the number of notifications of whooping cough was 2 六月份,百日咳的呈報個案有2宗。

Whoop that trick , get ' em - whoop that trick , get ' em 高呼詭計,戰勝他們-高呼詭計,戰勝他們

In july , the number of notifications of whooping cough was 2 七月份,百日咳的呈報個案有2宗。

In june , the number of notifications of whooping cough was 4 六月份,百日咳的呈報個案有4宗。

In june , the number of notifications of whooping cough was 0 六月份,百日咳的呈報個案有0宗。

In may , the number of notifications of whooping cough was 2 五月份,百日咳的呈報個案有2宗。

Whoops ! clicked on the wrong button in the previous mail 哎呀!在上一篇的文中按到錯誤的字鍵

In may , the number of notifications of whooping cough was 1 五月份,百日咳的呈報個案有1宗。

Whoops ! better get used to not using that one , huh 噢,最好能夠習慣沒有小手指的生活,對嗎?

In may , the number of notifications of whooping cough was 5 五月份,百日咳的呈報個案有5宗。

In may , the number of notifications of whooping cough was 3 五月份,百日咳的呈報個案有3宗。

In may , the number of notifications of whooping cough was 7 五月份,百日咳的呈報個案有7宗。

In may , the number of notifications of whooping cough was 0 五月份,百日咳的呈報個案有0宗。

Let ' s go to the party and whoop it up 咱們去參加晚會,狂歡一下吧。

I bet you won ' t beat that bitch whoop that bitch 我打賭你征服不了那個婊子高聲叫著那個婊子

Gasping , whooping - rock - rock . tie . go again -石頭對石頭,平局。再來

Uh , whoops , scratch that ? nevermind , kobe wants to stay 哦,千萬別瞎抓,科比不想走人。

Whoops . did l hear a bone crack , coop 哎喲!我聽到骨頭斷了,庫珀對嗎?