
whole adj.1.全部的,整個的;所有的,一切的,全…。2.完...

whole blood

“this alters the whole thing,“ he said . “現在一切都不一樣了,”他說。

The whole country was in a state of ferment . 全國處于騷動狀態。

We must consider these matters as a whole . 我們必須全盤來考慮這些事情。

The whole concrete cross-section resists load . 整個混凝土截面承受荷載。

Terrorism is a threat to the whole country . 恐怖主義是整個國家的禍根。

Dantes' whole attention was riveted on him . 鄧蒂斯聚精會神地注視著他。

In an instant the whole crew was on foot . 頃刻間,全體船員驚動起來了。

Nothing is constant in the whole world . 在這個世界中沒有什么是永恒的。

Hob is not a bad fellow on the whole . 霍布,總的來看,并不是一個壞人。

He had gone about the whole affair wrongly . 他這樁事完全做錯了。

Your behaviour will disparage the whole family . 你的行為將使全家丟臉。

I can't ever learn the whole size of you . 我永遠也猜不透你有多大本領。

The whole thing's been hard enough . 整個事情已經叫人很不好受了。

A coughing fit racked her whole body . 她一陣咳嗽全身都十分難受。

The whole matter began to be straightened out . 整個事情開始有了眉目。

The whole town had dropped its business . 全城的人都放下工作不做。

The whole of my being felt violated . 我整個身心都感到受盡了糟蹋。

You 'd better do the whole job yourself . 這件事你一個人包辦了吧。

The whole town turned out to see the circus . 傾城而出看馬戲表演。