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white hands 1.(不勞動的)雪白的手。2.〔比喻〕純潔,廉潔。

white heat

When the sun had completely emerged from the fog , and was glittering with dazzling brilliance over the fields and the mist as though he had been waiting for that to begin the battle , he took his glove off his handsome white hand , made a signal with it to his marshals , and gave orders for the battle to begin 當太陽完全從霧靄中探出頭來并用它那耀眼的光芒照射田野和霧靄的時候仿佛他所期待的只是開戰的這一天,他從美麗而潔白的手上脫下一只手套,用它給幾個元帥打個手勢,發出開戰的命令。

Colorful maze diagram result : magician s pawn in will aly white hands over to audience , and tell there are two point of departures on the audience maze diagram , inviting audience to allow to select by examinations a point of departure to place . the game starts inviting audience to turns over to open a small card to use the ambulation direction that the numeral and the color of the card decides pawn and treads a number at will again now . if is red 2 is general such as the mark of the maze diagram diagram , the arrowhead of the red is upward , so the pawn headings up to move two step , with this kind until all of seven small cards use up . the position that the result pawn stops over finally , choose with audience in advance of the small card color , numeral is completely same :魔術師在將一個白色的棋子交給觀眾,并告訴觀眾迷宮圖上有兩個起點,請觀眾任選取一個起點來放置。現在游戲開始了請觀眾再隨意翻開一張小卡片用卡片上的數字和顏色來決定棋子的移動方向和步數。如果是紅色的2就如迷宮圖上的標示圖一般,紅色的箭頭是向上的,所以棋子就向上移動兩步,以此類直到七張小卡片全部用完為止。

Everything was right , everything was as it should be , yet one thing disconcerted prince andrey . that was the cold , mirror - like eye of speransky , which seemed to refuse all admittance to his soul , and his flabby , white hand , at which prince andrey instinctively looked , as one usually does look at the hands of men who have power . that mirror - like eye and that flabby hand vaguely irritated prince andrey 這一切都是對的,一切都挺好,但是只有一點使安德烈公爵困惑不解,這就是斯佩蘭斯基的目光它顯得冷漠鏡子一般清澈,使人無法洞察他的心靈,還有他那只潔白而柔嫩的手臂,安德烈公爵情不自禁地注視著它,就像人們通常觀賞有權有勢的人們的手臂那樣。

He turned sharply round and going right up to balashov , gesticulating rapidly and vigorously with his white hands close to his face , he almost shouted : let me tell you , if you stir russia up against me , let me tell you , ill wipe her off the map of europe , he said , his face pale and distorted with anger , as he smote one little hand vigorously against the other “請您明白,如果您們挑撥普魯士來反對我,給您說吧,我就把它從歐洲版圖上抹掉。 ”他說,臉色蒼白,表情惡狠狠的,用一只小手使勁拍著另一只。 “是的,我一定把你們趕過德維納河,趕過第聶伯河,恢復那個反對你們的障礙物,歐洲允許這個障礙遭到破壞,這雖歐洲的罪過和無知。

He dozed off for a minute , but in that brief interval he dreamed of innumerable things . he saw his mother and her large , white hand ; he saw sonyas thin shoulders , natashas eyes and her laugh , and denisov with his voice and his whiskers , and telyanin , and all the affair with telyanin and bogdanitch 他微睡片刻,在這短暫的朦朧狀態中,他夢見數不清的事事物物:他夢見母親和她的潔白的大手夢見索尼婭的瘦削的雙肩娜塔莎的眼睛和笑容杰尼索夫他的嗓音和胡髭,還夢見捷利亞寧他和捷利亞寧波格丹內奇經歷的往事。

His handsome features glowed with pleasure , and his eyes kept impatiently wandering from the page to a small white hand over his shoulder , which recalled him by a smart slap on the cheek , whenever its owner detected such signs of inattention 他的漂亮的面貌因愉快而煥發光彩,他的眼睛總是不安定地從書頁上溜到他肩頭上的一只白白的小手上,但是一旦被那人發現他這種不專心的樣子,就讓這只手在他臉上很靈敏地拍一下。

Ellen wore a white dress , transparent over the bosom and shoulders . the sleek , well - fed abb , with his plump , clean - shaven chin , his amiable , strong mouth , and his white hands , clasped mildly on his knees , was sitting close by ellen 海倫身穿白色衣裙,袒露出胸脯和肩膀,長老靠近海倫坐著,他保養得很好,肥實的刮得干凈的下巴,愉快結實的嘴吧,白皙的雙手安詳在疊放在膝上。

Think of the eighty thousand applauding spectators , the sage matrons who took their daughters , and the charming vestals who made with the thumb of their white hands the fatal sign that said , come , despatch the dying 你想想那八萬個熱烈喝采的觀眾們吧,賢惠的主婦帶著她們的女兒同來,那些妖嬈動人的姑娘們,用她雪白的手翹起大拇指,象是在對獅子說:來吧,別呆著呀!

Pretty meg , the oldest , was sixteen , and already showed domestic tastes and talents , though she detested the drudgery of household work ; and , a little vain of her white hands , longed at heart to be a fine lady 漂亮的梅格是大姐, 16歲,已經顯示了作為一個家務能手的品味和潛力,盡管她不喜歡家務這個苦差事,并對自己那雙白凈的手頗感自負,但一心想做個體面的貴婦。

For eighteen months i have been waiting for an explanation , but before opening negotiations , what is it thats required of me ? he said , frowning and making a vigorous gesticulation with his fat , little white hand 十八個月來,我等著解釋。為了開始談判,究竟還要求我做什么呢? ”他說話時,皺緊眉頭,用自己那小巧白胖的手打著有力的疑問手勢。

He was thin and pale . one thin , transparently white hand held a handkerchief , with the other he was softly fingering the delicate moustache that had grown long . his eyes gazed at them as they came in 他消瘦蒼白,一只枯瘦的白得透明的手拿著一條小手巾,另一只手抹著他稀疏的長出來的胡子,緩緩移動著手指頭,眼睛望著來人。

Far from a space trip into nostalgia , this is the french new wave ripped straight from the headlines : exquisite black white hand - held shots , propelled by the sensuously composed lead performance 十九歲的世界太四平八穩,打劫銀行的美男孩闖進來,她二話不說隨他浪跡天涯。然后不是賊公賊婆式的歷險,而是狂人彼埃洛的發展。

Cute design barrette , made with high quality swarovski austrian crystals . a white hand on a black hand . this fashion hair accessory makes a nice finish to any style 本款發夾一端采用手的造型,很是可愛,一個小白手在一個小黑手上,上面還裝飾有3顆晶瑩的水晶,適合裝飾各種長度的發型,為你的秀發增添活潑俏皮的風格。

In a corner of the room was something red and tiny , squealing and grunting in the trembling white hands of marya bogdanovna . two hours later prince andrey went with soft steps into his fathers room 在房間的角落里,瑪麗亞波格丹諾夫娜的一雙顫栗的白凈的手中抱過一樣紅彤彤的小東西,他哼了哼,哇地一聲哭起來。

The latter was still sitting in the same indolent pose in which rostov had left him , rubbing his little white hands . what nasty faces there are in this world ! thought rostov as he went into the room 捷利亞寧一直坐著,仍然保持著羅斯托夫離開他時的那副懶洋洋的樣子,一面搓著他那雙潔白的小手。

Anyhow , i feel great grasping white hands in the air , wanting to get hold of the throat of anybody who tries to live , to live beyond money , and squeeze the life out 總之,我覺和量些粗大的貪婪的白手在空中,想把任何努力生活,努力擺脫金錢的束縛而生活的人的咽喉扼著,把你的老命擠了出來。

Creatures so absorbed in care about their pretty faces , and their white hands , and their small feet ; as if a man had anything to do with beauty 家伙醉心于漂亮的面孔,白皙的雙手和一雙小腳,仿佛男人與美有關似的,仿佛可愛不是女

“ his gray eyes burned with an incandescence , and the long white hands which hung by his sides were not those of a human being 他那灰色的眼睛燃燒著熾熱的光芒,他那垂在身體兩側的修長而白皙的雙手也顯示出他不是一個普通的人。

She went to the table , put the tray down , and deftly with her plump , white hands set the bottles and dishes on the table 她走到桌前,把托盤放下,用那雙潔白而肥胖的手很靈活地把酒瓶小菜和各種饌肴擺在桌上,把剩盤拿走。