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white finger 【醫學】白指癥。

white fingers

Every one was mute , and the only sounds audible were the clatter of knives on the plates and the munching of the lieutenant . when telyanin had finished his lunch , he took out of his pocket a double purse ; with his little white fingers , that were curved at the tips , he parted the rings , took out some gold , and raising his eyebrows , gave the money to the attendant 大家都不開口,可以聽見刀子和盤子碰擊時發出鏗鏘的聲音中尉吃飯時吧答吧答的聲音捷利亞寧吃罷早餐,從他荷包中取出一個對折的錢包,彎彎地豎起幾個潔白的小指頭,拉開扣環,掏出一塊金幣,微微地揚起眉尖,把錢交給侍從。

This door was a mockery to the conci rge , from whose vigilance and jurisdiction it was free , and , like that famous portal in the arabian nights , opening at the “ sesame “ of ali baba , it was wont to swing backward at a cabalistic word or a concerted tap from without from the sweetest voices or whitest fingers in the world 這扇門向門房嘲笑,因為雖有門房警衛,它卻逃過了他的管轄開門的方法,象一千零一夜里的阿里巴巴喊一聲“芝麻開門”一樣,只要由世界上最甜蜜的聲音說一個魔字,或由世界上最白嫩的手叩一個暗號就得了。

Boris , with his characteristic nicety , was building the draughts into a pyramid with his delicate , white fingers , while he waited for berg to play . he was watching his partners face , obviously thinking of the game , his attention concentrated , as it always was , on what he was engaged in 鮑里斯裝出一副他特有的謹小慎微的樣子,用他那又白又細的手把棋子擺成小金字塔形,等待著對手走棋,一面望著貝格的面孔,顯然他在思忖下棋的游戲,他一向只是想到他所做的事情。

With the noiseless steps of a man in full vigour of his age , he went up to the sick man . his delicate , white fingers lifted his disengaged hand from the quilt , and turning away , the doctor began feeling the pulse in absorbed attention 他邁著壯年人的不聲不響的腳步向病人身邊走去,用他那雪白而纖細的手指從綠色被子上拿起伯爵那只空手,轉過臉去,開始把脈,他沉思起來。

This young woman was particularly dressy for her station , and wore a jewelled ring or two which flashed upon her white fingers as she played 這少女就其身份而言,穿得過份考究。手指上戴著一兩枚寶石戒指,彈琴時戒指在她雪白的手指上閃光。

Survey on the white finger of vibration instrument workers in zhangdian district 張店區振動工具作業者白指的調查

Grey incidence analysis of effective factors on vibration - induced white finger 振動性白指影響因素的灰色關聯分析

White fingers and nimble tore at the string and oaoer 白皙的手指輕巧地解開繩子、敏捷地撕開了包皮紙。

White fingers and nimble tore at the string and paper 白皙的手指靈巧地解開繩子,打開紙包。

Most of these persons had gold rings on their soft white fingers and glove-like kid or calfskin boots on their feet . 其中大多數人柔軟的白手指上戴著金戒指,腳上穿著小山羊皮或小牛皮制成的十分合腳的靴子。