uploads/white birch.jpg

white birch 1.紙皮樺 (= paper birch)。2.歐洲白樺...

white blacklash

Norway is one of the most beautiful countries in europe . there are spectacular mountains and lakes everywhere . tall mountains meander thousands of miles from the north to the south of the country , and dark blue lakes reflect white birch trees that are continuous for many miles 威是歐洲最漂亮的國家之一,處處可見美麗的高山湖泊,高聳的山群由北至南迤邐千里,深邃湛藍的湖面倒映著綿延數里的白樺樹影,是詩也是畫。

Russian dances : the famous ” : little white birch ” dance troupe will travel from russia to present performances in beijing 俄羅斯舞蹈家:著名的“小白樺樹“劇團將從俄羅斯旅行到北京演出。