
whistle vi.1.吹口哨。2.放汽笛;〔美俚〕吹笛。3.吹口哨通...


To her amazement, the scream was answered by a whistle from above . 使她驚奇的是,她的呼喊竟得到一聲唿哨的響應,那哨聲來自上方。

He made up his mouth as if to whistle, but he didn't whistle . 他把嘴閉攏,作出要吹口哨兒的樣子來,但是他卻并沒吹口哨兒。

He was a very pan in the manufacture of whistles of all sizes and sorts . 他簡直是潘恩化身,還會做各種大大小小的哨子了。

Time and nature had blown the whistle on her and she was badly ravaged . 無情的歲月和大自然不饒人,她凋殘得十分厲害。

On the open side of the mountain beyond, whaups would be always whistling . 山那邊開曠的山坡上,還時常有麻鷸的啼聲。

The only sound that broke the stillness of the night was the whistle of a bullet . 只有子彈的呼嘯聲沖破著夜的沉寂。

He returned frowning, his face obstinate but whistling jauntily . 他回來時皺眉蹙額,板著臉,嘴上卻快活地吹著口哨。

The little man surveyed the scene and whistled softly . 這個身材矮小的人瞟了一下這個場面,就輕輕地吹了聲口哨。

He whistled softly, surveying the mess of disarranged furniture . 他輕輕地吹著口哨,眼睛環視著凌亂不堪的家具。

After promising to pay, he told us we could whistle for our money . 他先答應付錢,后來他告訴我們休想得到錢。

At the conductor 's whistle the engine-driver starts his locomotive-engine . 乘務員哨聲一響,司機開動機車。

Someone had began to whistle the rosary, tunelessly inside . 里面有人已經開始不成腔地用口哨吹奏《玫瑰經》。

A few minutes later, the whistle sounded and the train began to move off . 幾分鐘后,汽笛響了,火車啟動了。

The train whistled . 火車鳴笛。

Through the tumult the locomotives whistled and hissed . 一片嘈雜聲中火車頭拉響汽笛,發出呼哧呼哧的聲音。

The wind was whistling . 狂風怒號著。

Jo would whistle and made a great racket getting ready . 裘口哨吹得呼呼響,正在大鬧天宮似地作準備。

He heard its whistle . 他聽到了汽笛聲。

Don't worry. in the future, i'll start whistling a different tune . 別擔心,以后我會改變態度的。