
whirlwind n.1.旋風;旋流;渦動。2.猛烈的勢力。短語和例子a ...


When the whirlwind passes , the wicked man is no more ; but the righteous man is an everlasting foundation 25暴風一過,惡人歸于無有;義人卻有永久的根基。

When the whirlwind passes , the wicked is no more , but the righteous has an everlasting foundation 箴10 : 25暴風一過、惡人歸于無有義人的根基卻是永久。

Using whirlwind while dual wielding now deals damage from both mainhand and offhand weapons 雙持時使用旋風現在主手和副手武器都能產生傷害。

Tornadoes are violent whirlwinds which vary in their width from a few yards to 1300 feet 龍卷風是一種猛烈的旋風,其直徑從幾碼到1300英尺。

It ' s like having an affair , then they meet and it ' s like a whirlwind honeymoon 這就像有了不正當關系,然后約會,像蜜月一般慌慌張張的。

If we “ sow to the wind , we shall reap the whirlwind ” 如果我們“風中播種,將來必然收獲旋風” ( “現在做壞事,將來必收惡果” ) 。

Wail , banba , with your wind : and wail , o ocean , with your whirlwind 邦芭154 ,隨著你的風悲嘆吧。海洋啊,隨著你的旋風悲嘆吧。

Experimental study on the fire whirlwind temperature measurment by infrared thermography 紅外熱成像方法測量火旋風溫度的實驗研究

But i scattered them with a whirlwind among all the nations whom they knew not 亞7 : 14我必以旋風吹散他們到素不認識的萬國中。

They were twin whirlwinds of hatred , revolving about each other monstrously 他們是兩股仇恨的旋風,聲勢煊煊地繞著彼此旋轉。

Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm ? 難道你不覺得是天使在駕馭旋風指導著這場風暴嗎? ”

His way is in the whirlwind and the storm , and clouds are the dust of his feet 他乘旋風和暴風而來, 6云彩為他腳下的塵土。

The past year has been a whirlwind of excitement for the 13 - year - old girl 過去一年對這位13歲的女孩一直處在興奮的旋風里。

The whirlwind disappeared 旋風消失了。

For he crushes me with a whirlwind and multiplies my wounds without cause 17因?用旋風摧殘我,無故的加增我的損傷。

Lost in the whirlwind , ninety - six , bonnie and clyde me and my girlfriend Heyyou沒什么好奇怪把心中的愛全釋放出來

That ' s more iike it ! shrek and donkey , on another whirlwind adventure 太好了!史萊克和唐基,又一場轟轟烈烈的冒險

That ' s more like it ! shrek and donkey , on another whirlwind adventure 太好了!史萊克和唐基,又一場轟轟烈烈的冒險

I hope you ve enjoyed this whirlwind introduction to the xfs filesystem 希望您喜歡這篇對xfs文件系統的快速介紹。