
whippersnapper 無足輕重的人;妄自尊大的小伙子。


A final point : the word whippersnapper is a favourite of mine . it is deliciously evocative . my advice that i give with lingering regret : avoid 最后一點: “自以為是的年輕人”這個字眼我很喜歡。它很容易引起共鳴。但我不得不遺憾地建議:避免用它。

Of course , that behind me - the world - famous whippersnapper -當然,在我后面的那家伙,是全世界聞名,自以為是的年青人

- who are they calling thick heads ? ? - young whippersnappers -說誰是木腦瓜? -目無尊長的小年輕

Who are they calling thick heads - young whippersnappers -說誰是木腦瓜? -目無尊長的小年輕

How can i manage this whippersnapper 我如何對付這個自以為是的年輕人呢?

Getting old folks and whippersnappers together 讓“老前輩”和“新新人類”一起工作