
whin n.【植物;植物學】荊豆(花);芒柄花。


The development goal of hongtu management training company is that : within one year to reach upon the top three of training enterprises in chengdu ; to form the serve network in western region whin 8 years , and then expand the service field to the whole country progressively 宏圖管理培訓公司的發展目標是:爭取5年內做到成都地區的管理培訓企業的前三名, 8年內能形成西部地區服務網絡,并逐步向全國輻射和擴大服務領域。

Whin the power is off , the electromagnet loses electromagnetic force . the armature is pushed by the spring and sticks to endshield of the motor immediately , the rotation is stopped therefor 當電機失電時電磁鐵失電,銜鐵立即被彈簧頂住,使制動盤與電機后端蓋壓合在一起,停止轉動。

Have you ever heard of any chronic diseases whin your family 你以前聽沒聽說過你家里人有誰得過慢性病?