
whim n.1.忽起的念頭,一時的興致;奇想,怪想;任性。2.【...


Madden had lost five drachmas on sceptre for a whim of the rider s name : lenehan as much more 利內翰的損失也那么大。他對大家講述賽馬情況。

You are alone in daring to speak to me like this leonardo ! whims you say 你是唯一敢這么跟我說話的人,萊奧納多!你居然敢說我是“怪念頭” 。

But is it not possible to control the human factor by science - - the opposite of whim 那么,人的因素能否由妄想的反面- -科學來控制呢?

In order to protect privacy , don ' t put personal information on the internet on a whim 為保護個人隱私,不要想在網上任意留個人資料。

You are alone in daring to speak to me like this leonardo ! whims you say 你是唯一能象萊奧納多那樣對我說話的人!你的想法奇特

He is still misusing the flute to satisfy his own whims . this is very serious 他仍在利用笛子來滿足自己的私欲。這樣不行。

Introduction : games , the player can change the whim mm facial expressions 游戲中,玩家可以隨心所欲改變mm的面部表情。

Last january , iraq s only law was the whim of one brutal man 去年1月,一個暴君的隨心所欲曾是伊拉克唯一的法律。

Possibly you may have whims 也許你是反復的。

You could never handle the fishes emotional whims for any length of time 你永遠都無法應付雙魚座情緒化的怪念頭。

It ' s only a passing whim 這只不過是一閃之念。

You have two choices ; get out on your own , or bend to your mate ' s whims 你有兩個選擇:依靠自己或者聽從伴侶。

Think about how much money you spend buying things on a whim 好好想一下,你因為心血來潮花了多少錢買東西。

You didn ' t get the whim after all 至少你沒再做夢了

Look , i ' m just a whim to you , a way of getting back at ray 聽著,我對你只是心血來潮只是報復雷的一種方法

Since she was an only child , her parents pandered to her every whim 由于她是獨女,父母對她總是百依百順。

She indulges his every whim 她對他的怪念頭有求必應。

What kind of a man runs his bank on the whims ofhis wife 怎會有一個讓銀行在自己老婆怪念頭下運作的男人! ?

You had nothing to do with it . i just suddenly had a whim . . 你和這一點關系都沒有我只是忽然有這種怪念頭