
while n.一段時間;一會兒;(所需、所費的)功夫。 Rest ...


He wiggled his toes while stroking . 他邊蹬車子邊活動著腳趾。

Keep still while i fasten your shoe . 給你結鞋帶時,腳不要動。

For a while she recuperated there . 她曾在那兒休養了一個時期。

He won't be back for a little while yet . 他一時半刻還回不來。

All organisms have irritability while alive . 所有生物體活著時都有應激性。

While the latter is known as an “sh-wave“ . 后者叫做“SH波。”

The puppy barked hoarsely all the while . 小狗不停地啞聲吠叫。

Amos faced me quietly for a while . 阿莫斯平靜地瞅了我一會兒。

I debated it for a while , then decided not to go . 我反復考慮后決定不去。

After a while we'll take a walk in the snow . 等一會兒,我們到雪上溜溜去。

He stayed with the doctor quite a while . 他跟著郎中過了相當長的一段時間。

Hold the line while i see if she is here . 請別掛斷電話,我去看她在不在。

After a while he started to doze . 過了一會兒,他便鼾聲大作了。

No harm shall come to you while i stand by . 只要我在這里,決不讓你受苦。

He was too intent, while too uncertain . 他太熱切了,反倒變得手足無措了。

To be agreeable while disagreeingthat's an art . 強顏歡笑,是一種藝術。

What have you been doing all the while ? 你這一向干了些甚么呀?

A policeman must not smoke while he is on duty . 警察當班值勤時不得抽煙。

For a while rummy was the rage . 有一陣子,打“勒美”非常流行。