
wherever adv.〔表示強調〕究竟在[到]哪里。 W- are y...


They burned and cut down the forest wherever they liked 他們隨意亂砍亂燒森林。

I had by no means shaken off the feeling of oppression, and wherever i might have been should scarce have been quite conscious of the place . 我并沒有驅除掉心中那種壓抑的感覺,不管我是在什么地方,我對周圍的環境簡直是毫無認識。

Wherever the bandits appear , chickens fly and dogs leap over the wall. but we , the pla , bring peace and tranquillity wherever we go . 匪軍到了哪里,就是雞飛狗跳墻,這叫做“雞犬不寧”;我們呢,不管到什么地方是“雞犬不驚”。

On all sides, wherever the eye turned, nothing met it be the mirrorlike surface of the lake, the placid view of heaven, and the dense setting of woods . 極目遠望,映入眼簾的是一平如鏡的湖水,寧靜的蒼空,郁郁蔥蔥的林帶。

His presence at the reception tendered by nixon was so overwhelming that he was the center of attention wherever he stood . 他出席了尼克松舉行的招待會,他壓倒一切,無論他站在哪里,他都成為那里注意的中心。

The energy will be given out wherever the two electricities can reunite through a lamp, or a motor, or a heater etc . 而兩種電在任何可以重聚的地方,如通過電燈、馬達或加熱器等等,就會釋放能量。

Wherever a 0 bit must be inserted in a sequence of data bits, we provide a 0 bit in and mask . 無論在哪種場合下,如果需要將一個數字序列中的某一位變成0,只需在“與”屏蔽中設置一個0數位即可。

It was the chat of the tea-table all over that part of the town, and i met with it wherever i visited . 這件事是城里這塊地方家家茶桌上的談資,無論我到哪里去,總是碰到人們在談論它。

The workingmen from wherever they came found ready employment in the factories that were springing up all over the east . 無論從哪里來的工人,很容易在東部到處建立的工廠里找到工作。

We may conclude that transistors will be used wherever efficient amplification required within a small space . 我們可以得出結論,凡是在小體積里需要有效放大的場合,都要采用晶體管。

Wherever possible, newly arrived american personnel were taken on a short tour through britain's bombed areas . 只要可能,新到的美國人員,概予以一短期旅行經越英國的被炸地區。

Wherever possible, admixtures should be avoided, particularly those that are added on site . 在可能的情況下,應當盡量避免使用摻加料,特別是避免使用須在施工現場摻加的摻合劑。

His presence at the reception was so overwhelming that he was the center of attention wherever he stood . 他出席了招待會,他壓制一切,無論他站在哪里他都成為那里的注意中心。

It improves digester cost operation and reduces capital cost wherever sludge digestion is utilized . 當采用污泥消化時,它可改進消化器的運行并降低其基建投資費用。

The trains had a lonesome, longing sound that made john henry want to go wherever they were gong . 列車單調的、令人神往的聲音,使約翰亨利一心想伴它遠走他鄉。

Wherever the p.l.a. went , the enemy dispersed , and in less than a month , the whole province was liberated . 解放軍所向披靡,不到一個月就解放了全省。

Wherever he goes , he always goes to visit the local beauty spots and places of historical interest . 每到一個地方,他都要去看看當地的名勝古跡。

Pen's appetite for pleasure was insatiable, and he rushed at it wherever it presented itself . 潘的尋歡作樂是漫無止境的,哪里有機會就往哪里跑。

Wherever it went , it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits . 它所經之處,總留下死鹿和象兔子這樣的小動物的殘骸。