
whereof adv.1.〔疑問〕誰的,什么的,哪個的,關于什么的。2...


For a moment or two gaga and her daughter seemed doubtful how to proceed , but labordette made haste to go and fetch them a conveyance , the door whereof he gallantly shut after them 加加與其女兒似乎不知怎么走是好,拉博德特趕緊去為她們找了一輛馬車,她們上車后,他還殷勤地給她們關上車門。

In colour whereof they waxed hot upon that head what with argument and what for their drinking but the franklin lenehan was prompt each when to pour them ale so that at the least way mirth might not lack 爭論與飲酒,使彼等面泛紅暈,鄉紳利內翰惟恐席間缺乏歡樂,頻頻為眾人斟上濃啤酒。

In witness whereof this contract is executed by and between the seller and buyer on january 5th , 2007 and the duly authorized representatives of the seller and the buyer having signed on this day 這份合同的證詞是大概由買賣雙方在2007 . 1 . 5實行的,今日已由買賣雙方的全權代表業簽過字。

Kjv : thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn , which came up from the washing ; whereof every one bear twins , and none is barren among them 新譯本:你的牙齒像新剪毛的一群母羊,剛剛洗凈那樣潔白整齊;它們成雙成對,沒有單獨一只的。

In witness whereof the seller and the buyerhavecaused this contract to be executed by their dulyautho - rized officers or representatives as of the dayand yearfirst above written 賣方和買方授權的高級職員或代表于上述日期簽訂本合同,特此為證。

In witness whereof , the parties hereto have executed this agreement in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written 茲證明,雙方委派各自代表,在以下開首語中書明的日期簽署蓋章。本協議一式兩份。

In witness whereof , the parties hereto have caused the agreement to be executed on the day and year first before written inaccordance with their respective laws 本協議書于上面所簽定的日期由雙方根據各自的法律簽定,開始執行,特立此據。

G the denunciations referred to in article 31 . in witness whereof the undersigned , being duly authorized thereto , have signed this convention 此條條文的宗旨是以具體形式表示信托應作為信托予以承認,不應轉換成審判地法律上的相等制度。

In witness whereof , the parties hereto hae executed this agreement in duplicate by their duly authorized representaties as of the date first aboe written 茲證明,雙方委派各自代表,在以下開首語中書明的日期簽署蓋章。本協議一式兩份。

In witness whereof , the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the dates specified below 以資證明,協議雙方通過委派各自的正式授權代表在以下指定日期簽名,協議開始生效。

In witness whereof , the parties have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year first above written 雙方的授權代表于協議開始生效之日(如第一部分內容所述)起執行此協議。

In witness whereof , the parties have executed this contract in duplicate by their duly authorized representatives on the date first above written 作為所協議事項的證據,雙方授權代表于上面首次寫明的日期正式簽訂本協議一式兩份。

Thy teeth are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn , which came up from the washing ; whereof every one bear twins , and none is barren among them 2你的牙齒如新剪毛的一群母羊,洗凈上來,個個都有雙生,沒有一只喪掉子的。

For the arrows of the almighty are within me , the poison whereof drinketh up my spirit : the terrors of god do set themselves in array against me 4因全能者的箭射入我身,其毒,我的靈喝盡了。神的驚嚇擺陣攻擊我。

In witness whereof the master or agent of the said vessel has signed , anyone of which being accomplished the others shall be void 特立此據,上述船舶之大副或代理人謹此簽署,任何一聯付諸使用后,其余的均告失效。

In witness whereof the master or agent of the said essel has signed , anyone of which being accomplished the others shall be oid 特立此據,上述船舶之大副或代理人謹此簽署,任何一聯付諸使用后,其余的均告失效。

In witness whereof , the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first written above 參考譯文:本協議各方已于本協議開始部分寫明的日期正式簽署本協議,特此證明。

Thy teeth are as a flock of sheep which go up from the washing , whereof every one beareth twins , and there is not one barren among them 6你的牙齒如一群母羊,洗凈上來。個個都有雙生,沒有一只喪掉子的。

In witness whereof the undersigned plenipotentiaries , being duly authorized by their respective governments , have signed this convention 下列全權代表,經各自政府正式授權,在本公約上簽字,以資證明。